Final Dungeon

After you escape from jail with the ruler's help, you enter the final dungeon to rescue Princess Yuki.

Warlock Zone IX: Final Dungeon

Go to the right and talk to the Tanuki statue to enter the dungeon.

Hit the red barriers to the right to make them disappear. To the right, there are two sets of red barriers, but it doesn't matter which one you go through. Neither is a dead end. Keep going to the right and you will walk through the wall. At this point, officials will start appearing. They run quickly, and they can jump to reach higher ledges. Sometimes they will stop, then throw a lantern toward you. You can hit the lantern to get rid of it, or just jump over it.

Since there are so many enemies in this area, you can try to earn money by defeating a bunch of them, then go back into the jail and buy any jutsu and armor and other things that you want. You can buy hourglasses to increase your countdown timer as well.

Otherwise, keep going to the right, and jump on the roof to get past the pit full of sharp bamboo.

Keep going to the right and you eventually see a wooden tower with a Gun Corps guard walking back and forth. There is a roof to the right of that tower where a Gun Corps is repeatedly shooting bullets. Hit the Gun Corps from below, then jump up onto that roof, then jump to the left to where the Gun Corps is walking back and forth. Hit the pot where he was, to get a gold cat.

Then go to the right and you will see a pot on the ground. It contains a gold cat. To the right, there is another pot on a roof. It contains a lucky cat.

Keep going to the right and you'll meet Yae. After the cutscene, hit the pot to get a checkpoint elephant. Then go to the right, down the hill, and keep going to the right, past some enemies. You will reach a pit of sharp bamboo spikes. Jump onto the ladder above the spikes and climb up. At the top, hit the Gun Corps, then jump onto the ladder on the right and climb up. Hit the Gun Corps there, then hit the pot to get a gold cat.

Now you have to jump onto the clouds above you and make your way up, but the stationary clouds will disappear a moment after you land on it, so you have to go quickly. The clouds that move side-to-side don't disappear, though, so you can stay on one while you figure out your next move.

Start by jumping onto the stationary cloud above you, then go up onto the cloud to the right, then go up and to the left. From there, you should be able to see two clouds moving side-to-side. Get on the higher of the two. Then wait for your cloud to be on the right side of its path, and when you're close enough to the stationary cloud on the left, jump onto that stationary cloud and keep jumping up until you're on the moving cloud above you.

Wait for your cloud to be near the stationary cloud on the right, jump onto that stationary cloud, then jump onto the moving cloud above that. There is another moving cloud just above you, so jump onto it. Wait for your cloud to be at the right side of its path, then try to jump onto the stationary cloud above, and quickly jump onto the stationary cloud above and to the left, then jump onto the highest moving cloud. From there, you can climb up the ladder to the floating castle. Hit the two Gun Corps up there, and the castle door will open. Go in.

Boss Rush

Go to the right and hit the pot to get a checkpoint elephant. Then go to the right and you will fight Lantern Man. The fight is the same as before, but there aren't any pots on the ledges like last time.

After you defeat Lantern Man, you fight the Otafuku face. Again, the battle is just like last time.

Hannya Shogun and Gonta

Finally, you will fight the Hannya Shogun, kidnapper of Princess Yuki. He wears samurai armor and rides atop a fox named Gonta, who looks like a Kirin.

The Shogun will shoot three arrows that will arc downward and hit the ground in three places, covering a large area. Stay near the left side of the screen. You need to hit an arrow before it hits the ground. This will make it shoot toward Gonta. If you hit the arrow when it's too low to the ground, Gonta will bat it away with his paw. If you hit the arrow when it's high enough, the arrow will hit Gonta in the head, his vulnerable point. If you hit it when it's too high, the arrow will hit the Shogun's armor and do no damage. Don't use coins to hit the arrows because that will make the arrows come toward you.

If Gonta moves too far to the left, you won't be safe from the arrows on the left side of the screen, so move toward Gonta if this happens, and wait for him to move back to the right before you try to stand to the left of the arrows again.

Eventually, Gonta turns into a normal fox and runs away, and the Hannya Shogun starts spinning around the room. You can hit him while he's spinning, but make sure to avoid being underneath him, because sometimes he will stop and stomp his legs down, hitting you if you're beneath him. You can hit him while he's standing there as well. After you reduce his health enough, he will bounce up and down while spinning instead of spinning in a straight line. You can stay on the leftmost or rightmost side of the screen and press down to crouch to avoid getting hit. Keep hitting him until he is defeated. Congratulations! You won! Enjoy the ending and credits!