Ninja Castle

After you pass through the village of Iga, you enter the ninja castle in the hope of meeting the wise man.

Optional: Get the Flying Jutsu

Before you proceed into the castle, if you didn't purchase the #3 Jutsu (flying) from the Judo guy in one of the caves between wild boar caves, you might want to exit the castle and get it now. It's partly useful to get an otherwise inaccessible power-up here, and may also be helpful in the upcoming boss battle.

Warlock Zone V: Ninja Castle

Go to the right and talk to the Tanuki, and you will enter the castle.

Jump up on the wooden ledge. Go to the right and hit the robot ninja. Its legs will keep moving toward you, so hit those as well. Keep going to the right and defeating ninjas. Jump onto the wooden crate, then wait for a ninja robot to come down the rope. It will throw a shuriken straight at you, so jump straight up to avoid it. Or, you can try to hit the ninja before it can throw the shuriken. Go to the right, hitting or avoiding the ninjas on the ropes.

Farther right, there are ninjas that jump and throw shuriken, but if they hit the ceiling, they get stunned and float down, and you can either hit them or let them disappear.

To the right of that, some of the ceilings have spikes on them that move up and down. Wait for them to go back up before you try to jump over the gaps. You can press down to crouch to avoid getting crushed by the first two sets of spikes, but the final spikes come all the way down, so be sure to get out of the way before they crush you.

To the right, jump onto the farthest wooden platform when it's close enough, then jump onto the moving platform on the left when it's close enough, and it will take you farther up. Jump off on the left side, where the moving platforms are hiding and revealing spikes. Wait for the platform to hide the lower set of spikes, then jump on, and quickly jump over the higher spikes on the left. Repeat this for each set of spikes until you are on the left side, where a wooden platform is going in and out.

If for some reason you want to go back to the previous area (such as if you want to leave the castle to get supplies), you can walk to the left until you are standing on the broken wood. You will fall down below.

Otherwise, jump onto the wooden platform that goes in and out, and from there, jump up to the left, and quickly walk across the lower set of moving platforms so you can jump up to land on the upper set of moving platforms. From there, jump onto the stationary platform.

Now you need to jump onto the nearest golden orb swinging on a chain. If you're having trouble, try standing on the right side of the wooden platform near the orbs, then as soon as the two orbs hit each other, jump straight up. Once you are standing on the orb, try to jump to the upper-left wooden platform, and from there jump left to reach the pot that you can hit to get $30.

Then get back onto the orb, and this time wait for the orb to be at the top of its arc, and walk to the right onto the orb on the right. From there, you can jump onto the wooden platform on the lower right. Then jump to the right from platform to platform, and you reach a pot you can hit to get $30.

Get back onto the rightmost orb (wait for the orb to be coming back up from below), and jump onto the upper right platform from there. Jump right to reach the next platforms, then at the uppermost one, jump left onto the rightmost golden orb on the short chains. Don't try to reach the pot to the upper right. You can't reach it from this orb. Instead, wait for the two orbs to reach the top of the arc, then walk left onto the leftmost orb.

From there, jump left onto the stationary platform on the left. Keep going left on these platforms. If you don't want a lucky cat, skip the next paragraph. If you do want a lucky cat, go to the leftmost platform, and you can fall to the left while moving left, and you will land on a platform that has a pot containing a Lucky Cat, which will either upgrade your weapon if it isn't at the maximum level, or will give you $10 if your weapon is already at the maximum level.

After you get the lucky cat, walk off of the right side of the platform while moving toward the right, and you should land on the wooden platform that allows you to jump onto a golden orb. Jump onto it and wait for it to reach the top of the arc, then walk onto the orb on the right. From there, jump onto the upper right wooden platform, and then you can reach the first set of orbs on the short chains. Get onto the left orb, then start going up the wooden platforms on the left.

Jump onto the orb on the left, then if you don't want a scroll, skip to the next paragraph. If you do want a scroll, wait until the orbs are at the top of the arc and walk onto the one on the right, then jump to the orb to the right of that, and walk onto the rightmost orb at the top of the arc. Then you can jump right and hit the pot to get a scroll. Try to go back across the orbs until you're on the leftmost one.

From the uppermost short-chain orb on the left, jump onto the wooden platform that is going in and out, but make sure to start jumping when the platform is first coming toward you. Then jump onto the platform to the left of that, and finally, wait for the leftmost moving platform to start moving toward the left, then run left across it and jump to the left to reach the pot to the left of it. Hit it to get a checkpoint elephant.

To the left, there are robot ninjas with katanas that will jump up and aim their katanas down at you, but if they don't hit you, they get stuck in the floor where you can easily hit them to defeat them.

Farther to the left, a door in the wall will open, revealing a robot ninja who shoots out four small flames that will move toward you when they reach the ground. If possible, hit it as soon as it appears, before it has a chance to shoot out flames. You can hit it with the yoyo, or with a coin, or with a bomb.

Go to the left and jump onto the rightmost orb, then carefully make your way to the left across all the orbs. Jump onto the ledge on your left, and make your way to the next set of orbs. Eventually you see a moving platform above you. Jump onto it, then jump on the stationary platform that the moving platform is coming out of, but beware of the flame ninjas that appear in the walls. Jump onto the wooden platform on the right, but before you jump onto the next platform, you can optionally get a golden lucky cat, which fills your health and adds two stamina to your health bar. To get the golden cat, fall to the right while moving right, then fall through the floor where it's broken. Hit the pot to open it, then press down to crouch, and move right while crouching to get the cat. To get out of this area, you need to walk to the left until you fall, then start moving to the right to try to land on the wooden platform between a pair of orbs. From there, make your way back to the moving platform above the orbs, jump onto it, then jump onto the stationary platform that the moving platform is coming out of, being careful of the fire ninjas that appear in the wall.

You can optionally jump onto the moving platform above and to the left of the stationary platform with the fire ninjas. It's a long jump, so try to kill the fire ninja just to the right of it before you attempt the jump. It will lead you to a pot that contains another golden cat. From that cat, jump to the right to get back to where you were.

From the uppermost moving platform in the fire ninja area, keep jumping to the right until you reach a pot that contains another checkpoint elephant.

To the right, there are Oshizu-san robots that carry a teacup and will spill the tea in your direction when you approach. When the tea has been spilled, Oshizu-san runs back and forth more quickly. Jump to dodge the tea, then hit Oshizu-san to defeat her.

Before jumping over the gap to the right, hit the fire ninja to prevent it from creating flames. Then when Oshizu-san is safely out of the way, jump over the gap. Keep going to the right, defeating fire ninjas and Oshizu-sans while jumping gaps. You will notice a pot in a ledge above the area. It may only be possible to reach it by using the flying Jutsu that you can learn in Iga Village in one of the caves (but there may be some other way to get it without the flying Jutsu). If you don't have that Jutsu, you can go back through this castle to return to the village and learn it, but it's a long way to go. If you have the Jutsu, you can select it by pressing start and choosing the flying Jutsu, then press start to unpause. Make sure you have at least 1 POW (beneath your health bar). If not, kill enemies to get scrolls. It takes 10 scrolls to get 1 POW. When you have at least one POW, press X to activate the Jutsu, and fly through the right side of the ledge with the pot in it. Hit the pot, then press down to crouch, and move left while crouching to reach the gold cat.

At this point, just keep going to the right to reach the boss of this castle.

Sasuke and Ninjas

A kite full of ninja robots, including Sasuke, the leader of the robot ninjas, will appear. Two of the ninjas will jump onto the rooftop with you. They take multiple hits, so hit them while keeping your distance. The first pair of ninjas will just move left and right. The second pair will jump toward you with katanas, and this time, they don't get stuck in the ground, so keep your distance. The next pair will jump and throw shuriken down at you. The final pair will jump up and send out four green flames that float downward while the ninjas themselves also float downward.

When they are gone, the kite will fly toward you. The roof will go downward. You should jump onto the wooden frame of the kite. You can lose a life if you fall below the kite after the roof disappears. At this time, Sasuke will move back and forth, and will jump up and down to different parts of the wooden frame. When Sasuke jumps, he will sometimes shoot kunai in all directions, so keep your distance when Sasuke is jumping, to give yourself a better chance of finding a gap between kunai so you don't get hit. Keep hitting Sasuke whenever possible.

After you defeat Sasuke, there will be a cutscene. You will go into the Miracle Transport Machine and end up in a city in Warlock Zone VI.