Otafu Base

After you explore the region of Yamato and get clues from residents, you enter the Otafu Base.

Warlock Zone IV: Otafu Base Part 1

Go to the right and talk to the Tanuki Statue, and you will automatically enter the base.

If you learned any Jutsu, you can use them here. As before, the tiger Jutsu summons a tiger that you can ride around on, and you can jump to bite nearby enemies. The lightning jutsu hits all enemies on the screen, but only hits them once, so enemies that take multiple hits will still be there after you use the jutsu.

Go to the right until you are in front of an opening in the back wall. Press up to jump into the back area. Go to the left and hit the pot that is mostly concealed by the wooden screen, and you will get a lucky cat. Go to the right and press down to leave the back area, then go to the right and hit the Otafuku that are walking on their hands. They take multiple hits to defeat (or you can just knock them into the pit in the floor).

To get past the pit in the floor, press up to go into the back area, then go to the right, and press down to leave the back area. There is an Otafuku nearby that is dropping bombs with his feet. You can hit him with coins or the yoyo or other ranged weapons, or carefully jump and hit him. Or you can just ignore him.

At the next pit, go into the back area again, defeat the hand-walking Otafuku, then stay in the back area as you go right, to avoid the Otafuku that rolls along the floor toward you. The rolling Otafuku take multiple hits to defeat, and hitting them will only briefly stop them from rolling toward you, so it's safer to just jump over them. Stay in the back area and keep going to the right, then use your weapon to hit a hidden pot near the right side of the back area to get a gold lucky cat, increasing your stamina by 2.

From the hidden golden cat, go to the left until you can press down to exit the back area, then carefully go to the right and go through the door to the next area.

Part 2

You find a switch that pops up from a square in the floor. Jump onto the switch, and the room will rotate. Then go to the right.

Go to the right, but jump over the spikes on the floor. Keep going to the right, and hit the bouncing Otafuku. You only need to hit it once to defeat it. Jump over the pit to the right, jump over spikes and hit another bouncing Otafuku. Continue to the right. You can ignore the spinning spikes up above. Then go to the right to reach another rotation room.

Step on each switch in turn, then go to the right. You will now be back in the hall where you just were, but it's upside-down from how it was before. Go to the right, but before you jump over the pit, watch the spinning spike to make sure that it won't be pointing at you when you jump across. As soon as you're safely past the gap, jump ont the wooden platform to the right of the spinning spike. Wait for the set of four spinning spikes to be out of the way and jump to the next wooden platform. Then wait for the set of three spinning spikes, and jump to the right when safe.

To the right, the floor spikes that you jumped over earlier are now going up and down from chains on the ceiling. Wait for the spikes to move far enough upward to allow you to jump across the gap, but be prepared to jump over a rolling Otafuku after you have gotten across. Get past the next falling spikes, then go to the right, but before you go past the two spikes that are next to each other, be ready to jump over or hit another rolling Otafuku. Then go to the right, go past the final spike, and fall into the pit that the down arrows are pointing to.

Defeat the bouncing Otafuku and step on the switch, then go to the left. Hit the pot to get a checkpoint elephant. Go to the left and jump on the spinning wooden platform, then when you're on the right side, jump to the stationary platform to the right. Jump up to the next platform, then wait for the lower spinning platform to be pointing at you, and jump onto it. Then jump straight up to jump onto the upper spinning platform. From there, jump onto the ledge on the right. Hit the pot if you want a heart that refills all of your health.

From that ledge, wait for the spinning platform above you to be pointing at you, then jump onto it. Keep going up these platforms, and you will eventually see two pots on a ledge. Beware: the door here is a one-way door back to the entrance. Only go through that door if you need to exit the dungeon. The pots on the ledge both contain $40.

Jump back onto a spinning platform, then jump to the upper left stationary platform, and from there, jump to the upper left platform. Then jump to the ledge on the left and go through the door to reach the next part of the base.

Part 3

In this area, there are springs on the floor, some of which activate the slot machine in the background. The slot machine will cause objects to fall from the ceiling when activated. If bombs fall, get away from them. The X makes Otafuku fall. They will bounce from side to side. Avoid them and defeat them when possible. The slot machine can also cause hearts, coins, scrolls, or lucky cats to fall.

Make your way to the left, jumping over spikes, but be prepared for some of the springs to activate the slot machine. At the left side, keep going left to continue to the boss.

Twin Wrestlers

The sumo wrestlers will bounce a glowing orb back and forth. Only their faces are vulnerable, so you will have to jump and hit them either with your weapon or with coins or bombs, while dodging the glowing orb, which will hurt you if it hits you. You can also use the lightning jutsu or Dr. Yang's equivalent if you have it, which makes you immune to the orb while it goes past. Bombs are especially effective because the explosion does damage twice.

When one wrestler has been defeated, the orb will start bouncing at straight angles around the room until the other has been defeated also.


When both wrestlers have been defeated, a giant otafu mask will emerge from the background. In the first part of the battle, it will just float side to side, and you will take damage if it hits you, but you can just press down to crouch, and move side to side while crouched to dodge it.

After it takes enough damage, the head will fly back to the background and the facial features will fall on the ground. The face will now float side to side, but it will also stomp the ground and flatten itself. You can stay safe from this by going all the way to the side, and crouching.

In the next phase, the facial features will go on in incorrect positions, and the face will jump up and down, stomping the ground and flattening itself with every bounce.

Finally, the face will bounce around in a more random pattern, and every time you hit it, it will get bigger, until it is nearly filling the screen.

Afterward, you meet Yae, who tells you to visit the wise man of Iga.