The Wizard's Graveyard

The goblins head to the wizard's graveyard after they help a prisoner escape and find the voodoo doll of the king.

The goblins head to the wizard's graveyard after they help a prisoner escape and find the voodoo doll of the king.

How to Clear Gobliiins Level 13

Switch to A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and change the cursor to a fist, and click the tree roots to make one of the roots move up. Then switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and change the cursor to an open hand, and click the object that was beneath the tree root to get a birdcall. Change the cursor to a fist and click the eggs in the tree.

Wait a while, and the bird will fly away, and one of the eggs will sprout legs and hop up and down. Switch to A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard and change the cursor to a fist, and click the bouncing egg. Cracks will form in the eggshell, and wings will pop out. Switch to A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and have him use magic on the egg. The wings will get bigger, and the egg will take him to the right side of the screen.

Have him use magic on the horn on the ground to move it out of the way. Then switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and have him pick up the bottle of elixir. Make sure A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius used magic to move the horn out of the way. Then have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups stand in front of the two stones that are close to each other in front of the stone wall, then change the cursor to a fist and click him to use the elixir and turn invisible. Then repeatedly click the area near the carrot on the right side of the screen to make him go past the wizard while invisible. Change the cursor to an open hand and have him pick up the carrot.

Before the next step, switch to A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard and have him stand in front of the two stones that are close to each other in front of the stone wall.

Then switch back to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and change the cursor to a fist, and click the hole that the rat is coming out of on the right side of the screen. Then switch to A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and have him use magic on the rat. The wizard will be distracted by the illusion. Have A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard walk to the right side of the screen while the wizard is distracted.

This completes the level. Click the flashing "Go" in the right side of the screen. Make a note of the code in the bottom-left of the screen ( ), then click anywhere to continue to the next level, The Carrot Patch.