The goblins sneak past the wizard with the help of a bird and a rat, and reach the carrot patch.

How to Clear Gobliiins Level 14
Switch to Hooter/Ignatius and change the cursor to a fist, and
click the long flat rock to the left of the large raised rock. The rock
will form a ladder.
Switch to Dwayne/Oups and change the cursor to an open hand,
and click the stick to pick it up. Then change the cursor into a fist
and click the small hole in the right side
of the large rock. A watering can will appear. Have
pick it up.
There are several sprouts in the ground in the lower part of the screen.
Water the leftmost sprout (see "1" below), then when it grows,
have Hooter/Ignatius use magic on it to make it come out of the
ground. It has a face with a key in the nose. Have
punch the key face to make the key fall on the ground. Before you
pick it up, have
Dwayne/Oups water the middle carrot (see "2"
below), then have
Hooter/Ignatius use magic on it to make it come out of the
ground, revealing a keyhole.
Before you continue, if your health bar is not full, you can water the carrot to the right of the keyhole carrot (see "3" below), then use magic on it to restore your health. This only works once. If you try it again, you'll lose health instead.
x 1 2 x x x 3
Then have Dwayne/Oups pick up the key and use it in the keyhole,
then wait a few moments.
completes the level. Click the flashing "Go" in the carrot door.
Make a note of the code in the bottom-left of the
screen (
then click anywhere to continue to the next level,
The Rat's Den.