The Giant Bird Skeleton

Armed with the Supreme Weapon, the goblins confront the wizard Niak in the cave of the giant bird skeleton.

Armed with the Supreme Weapon, the goblins confront the wizard Niak in the cave of the giant bird skeleton.

How to Clear Gobliiins Level 22

Have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups use the slingshot on Niak the wizard. He will turn into a monster and take A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups to the bird skeleton's beak.

Have A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius use magic on the long flat rock in front of the bird skeleton's foot (to the left of the bag on the ground). It will turn into a ladder. Then have A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius use magic on the monster that is holding A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups. The monster will transform and capture A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius.

Switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and have him use the slingshot on the top of the rope in the left side of the screen. Then have him go down and pick up the rope that fell. Have him use it on the skeleton's claw near the upper-right of the screen.

Then switch to A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard and turn the cursor into an arrow and click the rope to have him climb it. Then have him punch the monster. It will transform and capture him.

Have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups pick up the slingshot and use it on the spider's web. Have him put the slingshot on the ground. Have A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard walk to the left so he isn't under the spider. Then have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups pick up the empty bag and place it on the ground just above the shark in the water. Have him stand next to the empty bag. Then have A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius use magic on the spider, and switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and have him pick up the bag. Change the cursor to the fist and have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups use the bag. Congratulations! You won!