The Giant Statue, Part 2

Armed with the flame of the two-headed dragon Gemellor, the goblins return to the giant floating statue.

Armed with the flame of the two-headed dragon Gemellor, the goblins return to the giant floating statue.

How to Clear Gobliiins Level 18

Have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups use the dagger on the circle on the statue's chest. Then have him walk onto the hand that the statue is looking at. He will automatically place the voodoo doll in that hand. Have him climb back down the ladder, and the statue will wake up and breathe fire on the voodoo doll, turning it into a key. Have A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups pick up the key and use it on the statue's head. Then have each of the three goblins stand on the hand that the statue is looking at. Each one will be transported away.

This completes the level. Make a note of the code in the bottom-left of the screen ( ), then click anywhere to continue to the next level, The Writer's Castle.