The Giant Statue Room

After the goblins give Niak the diamond, the wizard opens a passage in the floor, to a room with a giant statue.

After the goblins give Niak the diamond, the wizard opens a passage in the floor, to a room with a giant statue.

How to Clear Gobliiins Level 5

Switch to A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius, then change the cursor to a fist. Click on the short piece of grass at the base of one of the giant statue's hands. The grass will grow tall.

Switch to A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard, change the cursor into an arrow, and click on the tall piece of grass to make him climb up it. Then change the cursor to a fist and click on the statue's eye to punch it, making its tongue come out.

Switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and have him stand on the tip of the tongue, but leave room next to him so another goblin can stand next to him later.

Then switch to A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and change the cursor to a fist. Click on the metallic object that is sticking up out of the casket in the upper-left part of the screen. Then quickly change the cursor to an arrow and click the tip of the tongue to make A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius stand next to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups on the tongue. A skeleton will come out of the casket, so you have to be quick to get A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius out of the way so the skeleton won't scare him.

As soon as A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups are both standing on the statue's tongue, switch to A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard and change the cursor to a fist, and punch the eye. The tongue will lift A picture of Hooter/Ignatius's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionHooter/Ignatius and A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups up, so nobody is in the path of the skeleton. The skeleton will scare away the ogre, revealing Airain's Mushroom. Wait for the skeleton to go past the statue's tongue, and have A picture of Bobo/Asgard's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionBobo/Asgard punch the statue's eye again. Switch to A picture of Dwayne/Oups's head from Gobliiins by Coktel VisionDwayne/Oups and change the cursor to an open hand, and click on Airain's Mushroom.

Wait for the skeleton to go back into its casket if it isn't there already. This completes the level. Click the flashing "Go" where the mushroom was. Make a note of the code in the bottom-left of the screen ( ), then click anywhere to continue to the next level, The Spider Cave.