World 7-1

A guide to completing World 7-1 in Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Explore the Clouds

Jump up the cloud platforms, then go up the ladder.

Go to the right and avoid the Bob-ombs and Ninji that attack. Go to the right, but don't pull the grass on the platform. Instead, go to the right, get past another Ninji and Bob-omb, and jump onto the column just before the pit. Pick up the grass on this column to get a Potion, then take it back to the platform with the three grass. Drop the potion between the two tufts of grass on the right, then go through the door to get three coins and a Mushroom.

After you exit Subspace, go to the right again, and eventually you reach more clouds. You can optionally pick up the Mushroom Block and drop it on the vase to stop the Shyguys coming out.

Go to the right and go into the building.

Get Coins and Mushroom

Jump up the platform and pull up the third grass from the right to get a Potion. Drop it where you found it, then go through the door and get the Mushroom, then pull up as many of the grasses as you can to get up to 6 coins.

Continue On

Exit the building, then go up onto the roof of the building so you can jump onto an Albatoss. Let the Albatoss take you to the left, and be sure to jump over columns when the Albatoss flies past them. Stay on the Albatoss until you reach a ladder and two columns with grass between them. Fall onto the grass between the two columns, and pull the grass to get a Rocket to go up to the next part of the level.

Cross the Clouds

Go to the right and get the Cherry, then jump up to the cloud platform above. Go to the right and get the Cherry above the Snifit, then go to the right and jump over the column, then go to the right and get the Cherry above this Snifit.

Go to the right and go down below to where there are Cherry on top of a column. Go to the left from there and you'll find a vase that Shyguys are coming out of. From the vase, go to the right so you're below the cloud platform that you were just on. This will let you reach the Cherry in the clouds on the right.

After you get the Cherry in the clouds, go to the left along the lowest cloud that you can reach. You'll reach a Snifit. Go to the right from the Snifit so you're walking on the lower cloud, then you'll go down to a cloud with a pink Shyguy on it. Go to the left and jump up to the cloud on the left. Wait for the Shyguy to walk beneath you on the cloud, then go to the right to get on the cloud that the Shyguy was on. That way, the Shyguy is to your left, and you can safely go to the right.

Try to quickly jump onto the cloud above you when the Ninji isn't directly above you. The Ninji will jump, and it will end up on the cloud above, so you won't have to worry about it anymore. Go to the right and fall down to the cloud with the Snifit on it, and quickly stand on the Snifit and throw it. Then you can jump up to the right where there is a ladder. Go up the ladder.

Climb More Clouds

From here, you just need to go up while dodging Sparks. If you go to the left side of the screen, you'll wrap around to the right (and so will the Sparks).

After you climb a ladder, you will need to pick up some Mushroom Blocks to build a platform so you can reach the four ladders up above. You can also throw the Mushroom Blocks at the Sparks to get rid of them.

After you reach the four ladders, beware of the Hoopsters that are going up and down the two middle ladders. All you need to do now is climb up, avoid the Hoopsters, and the bullets from the Snifit on the left, and you will find a building at the top. Go inside.

Grey Birdo

The Grey Birdo only spits flames, so you have to pick up the Mushroom Block and try to throw it at the Birdo. After you hit the Birdo enough times, pick up the Crystal Ball, then go to the right and go through the Mask Gate. Play Bonus Chance if you got coins. Then you'll continue on to World 7-2.