World 4-1

A guide to completing World 4-1 in Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Cross the Ice

World 4 is full of slippery ice cube platforms. Be careful as you slide along.

As you go to the right, Flurrys will slide toward you, and Trouters will jump up out of the water. Be careful not to slide off or crash into any enemies.

Eventually, you find some tufts of grass. Pick up the leftmost grass to find a Potion. You can either use it to get a Mushroom and three coins, or to get five coins. If you want the Mushroom and three coins, drop the Potion on the rightmost end of the platform above where you found the Potion. If you want five coins, go to the right and drop the Potion near the five tufts of grass.

After you exit Subspace, keep making your way to the right. Eventually you reach a platform that is partly non-slippery. Don't pick the grass yet. Go to the highest part of the platform and pick the grass on the left to get a Potion. Drop it on the same spot where you got it, and go through the door to get a Mushroom and three coins.

Then, from the top of this platform, go to the right and try to fall down to where there is a piece of grass below some slippery ice blocks. Pull that grass to take a Rocket up to the next area.

Go to the right and you'll find a Shyguy on an Autobomb. The Autobomb cannon will sometimes shoot fireballs at you. You can pick up the Shyguy to stop the Autobomb from shooting fireballs, but you can't pick up the Autobomb. It will just keep rolling back and forth. You can throw the Shyguy at the Autobomb to get rid of it.

To the right, you just need to jump over ice columns, avoid Flurries and Shyguys on Autobombs, and you will reach the Crystal Ball. Pick it up and go through the mask gate. Play Bonus Chance if you got coins, and you'll continue to World 4-2.