World 6-1

A guide to completing World 6-1 in Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Cross the Quicksand

Go to the right, where there is a large area of quicksand. Get past a Cobrat, a pink Shyguy, and another Cobrat.

Then you find a Cobrat in a vase. Pick up and throw the Cobrat (or throw something else at it), then go down into the vase, and pick up the grass at the bottom to get a Potion, but don't use it here. Go up and outside, then drop the Potion on the bones to the right of the vase, then go through the door, and quickly get the Mushroom before it sinks into the quicksand.

After you exit Subspace, go to the right and you find a Pokey. You can pick up its head and throw it at the rest of the Pokey to defeat it.

Farther to the right, there is more quicksand, two Cobrats, and a pink Shyguy.

Keep going right and you find two vases, each with a Cobrat in it. Both vases lead to the same room, and the only things you find there are two red Shyguys and a grass that gives you a Turtle Shell, so there's no reason to go into there unless you need to defeat enemies to get a heart.

Go to the right after the vases, get past the two Cobrats, and go to the upper ledge.

Pick up the second tuft of grass to get a Potion, but don't use it yet. Take it to the right, past two Pokeys and a walking pink Panser, and drop the potion on the lowest stone of the stone structure. Go through the door, then walk to the right along the stone so you can jump straight up to the top of the building, then pull the grass to get four coins, and get the Mushroom.

After you exit Subspace, go through the door of the structure.

Explore the Tomb

Go to the right to find a large number of vases. Some of them don't lead anywhere. Most of them just contain two red Shyguys and a turtle shell, but there are three that lead to 1UPs (but you can only get one 1UP; the other rooms will just have a small veggie instead), and one vase that leads to a key. See below for a diagram. Two of the 1UP rooms are more difficult to safely reach, so they're marked "danger" in the diagram. The recommended 1UP room is marked "recommended".

T = Turtle Shell Room
1 = 1UP Room
K = Key Room
x = No Room
T T 1xxT 1Tx1TTxTTxKTTxx
    ↑    ↑  ↑
    danger  recommended

After you get the key from the "K" vase in the diagram above, take it up and out of the vase while dodging the Phanto that chases you. Then go to the right and use the key to unlock the door.

Green Birdo

To the right, you find a Green Birdo. Green Birdo only shoots fireballs, so pick up Mushroom Blocks and throw them at the Birdo until the Crystal Ball pops out. Pick it up, then enter the mask gate, play Bonus Chance if you have coins, then you will continue to World 6-2.