World 3-3

A guide to completing World 3-3 in Super Mario Bros 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System.

Cross the Plain

To the right, where there is a POW block and some grass. Only pull the rightmost grass, then drop it between the log and the leftmost grass. Go through the door, get the Mushroom from on top of the log, and pull the grass to get three coins.

Then you can go to the right, but beware of the Albatosses that drop Bob-ombs, and the Shyguy on an Ostro.

After the enemies, there is a log, and a door. Go through the door.

Go to the left and pick the middle of the three grasses to get a Potion. You can either use it to get coins or to get a Mushroom. If you want coins, you can just drop the Potion halfway between the leftmost grass and rightmost grass. If you want a Mushroom, go left and drop the Potion on the square to the left of the ladder.

After you exit Subspace, if you didn't go to the ladder on the left, and you're still near the door to the outside, you can pick the grass near the door to get a POW block from the grass on the right, a Turtle Shell from the grass to the left of the door, and a Bob-omb from the leftmost grass.

Go left to the ladder and you will notice a locked door on the left and an unlocked door on the right. You also passed a door on the upper level. You should actually ignore the locked door on the left and the door on the upper level, because you can reach the end of the level without going through either of those doors, regardless of the character you picked for the level.

If you Want to Get the Key

If you read the previous paragraph but you still want to get the key, then go up the ladder, optionally go to the left if you want a POW block, then go to the right, past two Ninjis and two Sparks, and go through the door.

Make your way up this room but beware of the red Shyguys that come out of the vases. At the top, go through the door, jump onto the platform, get the key, and go back through the door. You can just keep going left to make your way down the room since you wrap around when you reach the other side. Just watch out for the Phanto mask that follows you and the red Shyguys that pop out. You can throw the key at the Shyguys to get rid of them. Just be sure to pick it back up before you go through the door at the bottom of the room.

Go down to the bottom of the area and go left. Walk in front of the locked door while holding the key, and press Up to unlock it and go through. Make your way up the platforms. Eventually, you reach a door, but there are also platforms above you. Unfortunately, the platforms lead to a dead end, so just go through the door and skip to Red Snifit below.

If you Don't Want to Get the Key

If you don't want to bother getting the key and going through the locked door, go through the door to the right of the ladder. Pick up the Ninji. You will need the Ninji to reach the end of the level! Carefully make your way up, but it is recommended to do Power Squat Jumps (crouch until flashing, then jump straight up) to reach each ledge that has a pink enemy on it, because you're less likely to get hit by the pink enemy if you do that.

Red Snifit

Farther up, there is a red Snifit that will fall off of its ledge, so be sure to dodge it. After the red Snifit, there is a platform that seems like a dead end, but you just need to throw the Ninji down onto the platform (jump after you throw so you can safely land on the Ninji), then do a Power Squat Jump to reach the door at the top, but don't go through the door because it just leads to a dead end.

Instead, keep going up. When you see a chain in the top left, wait for the Tweeter to fall off the platform, then go up. You will reach a room with two Pansers that spit fireballs at you. When you make it to the left side of the screen, do a Power Squat Jump (see above if you don't know how) to catch the chain as high up as you can, but time it carefully so you don't get hit by a fireball on your way up.

Go all the way to the top of the chain, then very carefully move to the right to fall and grab the next chain as soon as a fireball has gone past, then immediately climb up. (Technically you can jump from a chain, but to do so, you have to push left or right and time the jump just right, or you will just fall, so it's easier to just fall instead of trying to jump.) Get on the rightmost chain and go all the way up. Go to the left, avoid the Snifit, and go through the door.

There are a lot of Sparks going around the platforms, so keep an eye on them as you go. Go to the left so you can jump onto the low brick platform above. Then jump up and to the right along the brick platforms, getting the Cherries on the way. Jump onto the floating platform to the left, and you can optionally go into the square and pull the grass to get a POW block, which you might want to take with you when there are more Sparks on screen.

From here, just make your way up the platforms until you reach a ladder. Climb up the ladder and go through the door at the top.

Cross the Bridge

The grass to the right is a Turtle Shell. Pick it up and take it up onto the bridge, then go to the right, and throw the shell at the Ninjis. Keep going to the right and pick up the Crystal Ball, then go through the mask gate.


Go to the right, avoiding the Sparks, then try to jump underneath the bombs that Mouser throws, so that the bombs land on your head. Then try to throw the bombs on Mouser's platform. When you hit Mouser enough times, he is defeated. Go through the door that appears, and after Bonus Chance, you move on to World 4-1.