After you destroy the main engine of the alien spaceship, you find yourself face to face with the true form of Zoda.

How to Defeat Zoda's True Form
Jump onto the tiles in this room. Zoda can shoot projectiles out of its stomach, and can also spit monsters out of its mouth. You can kill the monsters to restore health if needed.
If you stay diagonal to Zoda on the tiles, you can easily shoot Zoda whenever he moves onto the tile next to you, then jump to another tile diagonal to Zoda. If Zoda spits monsters out, kill them when they jump onto a tile next to you. Keep hitting Zoda using this strategy, and he will eventually stand still and start spitting. This means you won!
After Zoda disappears, go to the west side of the room and go through the north door, and keep going north to exit the area. Follow the straightforward path and take the final Magic Cube. After the cutscene, go east, then north, then west to reach Coralcola. You can optionally talk to everyone, then enter the chief's hut to see the final cutscene, credits, and post-credits scenes. Congratulations! You won!