C-Serpent Boss Strategy

How to defeat the C-Serpent, the boss of the Chapter 1 dungeon in StarTropics for the NES.

How to defeat the C-Serpent, the boss of the Chapter 1 dungeon in StarTropics for the NES.

C-Serpent Boss Strategy

The C-Serpent doesn't move, but it sometimes opens its mouth and spits two flames at you. Sometimes it opens its mouth without spitting any flames out.

The C-Serpent is only vulnerable when its mouth is open. One strategy is to jump north over the two flames, then hit the serpent with the star/yoyo as many times as possible before it closes its mouth, then jump south onto the middle tile.

If you have trouble with that strategy, you can try to stand on the middle tile, then when the serpent opens its mouth, throw a torch into its mouth, then quickly jump to the tile on the left or right.

After the C-Serpent is defeated, go north to the next room. Jump onto the tile, then step on the switch to open the north door. Go through. Then go north up the stairs to return to the overworld.

After the C-Serpent

After you exit the dungeon, your health will be refilled and you will receive points.

Make your way north, then east, then talk to the person at the stairs. Baboo will tell you the code to start the engine of Dr. J's submarine, the Sub-C. The ID code will be added to your inventory.

Go into the building to the south and there will be a cutscene. The game will save, and you will proceed to Chapter 2: Dolphins.