After you visit Miracola and learn of Bananette's plight, you go east to the second cave of chapter 3.

Explore the Cave
Go north from the entrance. Kill or ignore the Looper snakes (but be ready to jump if you walk between them, since you won't be able to walk quickly enough to avoid getting hit), then go north to the next room.
Carefully kill the two Bonehead birds (and keep in mind that they can jump over the water), then go west through the passageway that appeared.
The room becomes dark when you enter. Go west and kill the Looper snake. Then keep going west, and you will see four Loopers. If you walk in front of them, you might notice that some of them don't come very close to you before they turn around. However, the third one from the top will come closer to you when it sees you. This is a hint to let you know that you can safely jump west toward the third Looper. So, stand in front of the third Looper, and when it is out of the way, jump west toward it. Kill it, then go west. You should try to kill the other Loopers so they won't hit you as you try to proceed. Make sure to go at least one tile west, then from there you can safely jump north and south as you try to reach the Loopers.
When the Loopers are all gone, go toward where you see an Octot jumping back and forth. Go to where it is jumping, and watch to see where it is when it goes to the right. Stand just to the right of it when it has gone to the right (you may need to jump north or south to reach that spot), and either kill it or wait for it to jump away. You can then jump west onto the tile where it just was. From there, jump west once, then jump north once. The room will light up. Jump west and pick up the Baseball Bat and Slingshot, but before you go west, if you want a Magic Potion, you can optionally jump onto the south tile and jump south. Otherwise, go west and skip the next paragraph.
If you went south, jump onto the bottom-left tile, then jump onto the switch that appeared. Pick up the Magic Potion. It restores five hearts when used. You can use it by pausing the game by pressing START, then press down on the directional pad and select the Magic Potion. When you're ready to move on, go north to the previous room, then go west.
The flies in this room will fly diagonally toward you if you get in their path. However, you can ignore them if you wish. Jump onto the bottom-left tile, then jump onto the switch that appeared. Go north through the door.
Carefully jump north across the disappearing tiles. You can optionally jump onto the leftmost tile to make a double heart appear. Then, carefully go north to the next room.
Go down the stairs, then go down the next set of stairs. Then go east to the next room.
There is a Try-your-luck Sign in the northwest part of the room. It gives you a chance to get extra lives, but there is also a chance that you could lose some of your extra lives, so be careful. Avoid the fireballs that the volcanoes shoot out, then jump onto the northwest tile. Step on the switch, then go through the north door.
Jump west onto the tile that is one tile to the right of the southwest tile. This makes a Stop/Slow watch appear. Pick it up, and the flies will slow down temporarily. Kill them, then go through the north door.
Beware of the Mad Muddies that come up from the water/lava/mud and throw things at you. Go east and jump onto the easternmost tile, then jump onto the switch, then go north through the door.
Jump onto the southeast tile to make a Bola appear. Take it, then if you need a double heart, jump onto the tiles on the west side of the room, and jump north to the next room to find a double heart. Then go back south to the previous room, jump onto the tiles on the east side of the room, and jump north to the next room.
Keep going north until you find some disappearing tiles. Carefully jump west across them, then go north to the next room.
Now you can simply go north to the next room, where you will battle Magma the Fierce.