After you are turned away from the castle of Shecola, you enter the cave beneath the Ghost Village to look for the crystal ball.

Explore the Cave
Go north from the entrance, jump onto either of the two tiles, then kill the three Bonedogs from the safety of the tile. They can't hit you if you're on a tile. Then go west through the passage that appeared.
Ignore the northern path of tiles in the water. It just leads to a wrong exit that takes you out of the cave without making any progress. Instead, stay on the southern grassy area as you go west, killing or ignoring the Bonedogs on the way. At the end, jump onto the tile to the north, then jump onto the switch, and finally, go south through the door that opened.
Jump south across the water to avoid an invisible enemy that goes from left to right along the north wall. Jump onto the tile, then jump onto the switch, then exit through the southern door.
Kill the Muumus (mummies). They can't turn around very easily, so try to approach them from behind. Then jump onto the tile, then jump onto the switch to open the treasure chest. Take the Rod of Sight that appeared from the chest. You don't need to use it right now, but when you want to use it, here's how:
How to Use the Rod of Sight and Other Magical Items
To use the Rod of Sight, the Lantern, the Snowman Doll, and other magical items, pause the game by pressing START, then press down on the directional pad, and select the Rod of Sight.
Moving On
From the room where you got the Rod of Sight, go south to the next room.
Here you can use the Rod of Sight to reveal some invisible Minies (ghosts). (If you don't use it, you will likely get hit by the invisible ghosts as you try to go south through the room.) Jump on the tile, then jump on the switch that appears, then go south to the next room.
Carefully avoid the bouncing Skulls and jump onto the grass against the east wall. From there, jump onto the tile to the north to reveal a switch. Jump onto the switch, then go through the east passage that opened.
You might want to use the Rod of Sight as soon as you enter the room, because there is an invisible ghost going back and forth along the main path in this room. If you don't want a double heart, skip to the next paragraph. If you do want a double heart, use the Rod of Sight, then kill the Minie ghosts. Go through the eastern passage that opened, and take the double heart, then return to the previous room.
Go south to the next room.
Go east and kill the jelly slug, but don't go up the stairs. It is a wrong exit that takes you back to the Ghost Village. Instead, go through the east wall where the jelly slug was.
Use the Rod of Sight to reveal some invisible Minie ghosts.
If you need to fill only two or fewer of your hearts, jump across the disappearing tile and go to the south part of the room, then go west through the shadow in the middle wall. Take the double heart, kill the Minie that is going back and forth to the north of where the double heart was (use the Rod of Sight to reveal it if you can't see it) then go west through the shadow in the west wall. Go north, but don't go up the stairs. Go through the shadow in the east wall. Then skip to the next section.
If you need to fill more than two of your hearts, kill the two eastern Minie ghosts, then go west through the shadow in the middle wall. Kill the Minie ghosts here to reveal a passage to the south, then take the double heart. Then go west through the shadow in the west wall. Go north, but don't go up the stairs. Go through the shadow in the east wall. Jump across the tiles again, and go south through the passageway that you revealed. Take the double heart from this room, then go north to the previous room. Then skip to the next section.
After the Optional Double Hearts Room
In the room with the disappearing tile in the water, jump to the northernmost tile on the left to reveal a switch. Step on it to open the east door. Go through.
Avoid the fireballs from the volcano, and jump onto the tile, then jump onto the switch that appears. Then go east through the door that opened.
The room will become dark. Walk east until you can't go farther, then jump east to go onto the tile in the water. This reveals a switch. Jump south onto the switch, then go south to the next room.
Get the Lantern
Kill or ignore the Skull. One of the Muumu mummies will make the south passageway open. Kill mummies until the south passageway opens, then go through.
Kill or avoid the Skull, then jump onto the southwesternmost tile to make the Lantern appear. Take it. If you don't have a Rod of Sight but you want a Magic Potion and double heart, go north to the dark room, then go east to find a Rod of Sight, then go west to the dark room and go south to return to where you were. Then use the Rod of Sight to reveal Minie ghosts in this room. Kill them all, then go through the east passage that opens.
Go to the north or south wall and jump onto the island in the middle to get a Magic Potion and a double heart. Then go back the way you came until you are in a dark room.
If you don't have the lantern, you should go south and get it. See Get the Lantern for details. Use the lantern, then jump north on the tiles until you can go east. Keep going east through the wall. If the Lantern wears off, you can use another. Jump south to get a Rod of Sight, then jump east, then go into the upper half of the room and start trying to push into the east wall. When you're at the correct location, you will go through the hidden tunnel in the wall. From there, jump south until you reveal a switch, then jump east, then jump north until you step on the switch. From there, jump north once more, and go east through the hidden tunnel in the wall. Now you need to use the Lantern to light up the room again, because there are disappearing tiles that you won't be able to see in the dark. Carefully jump east onto the disappearing tile, then jump south until you can't go farther south. Go west once, then north once, then jump east. Then jump north once, then go east to the next room.
Go north or jump to avoid the Mr. Armstrong that throws mud at you. Carefully go east and kill the Mr. Armstrong, and go east and kill the second Mr. Armstrong. A passage will open to the east. Go through it.
Avoid the flames from the volcanoes, and avoid the Muumu mummies, and jump north to the next room.
Kill the Bonedogs to open the north door, and go through.
Jump onto the leftmost tile in the water to reveal a Stop/Slow watch. Be careful, because the mummies can walk across the tiles. Take the Stop/Slow watch, then kill the Muumu mummies and go north.
Go to the northern set of tiles and jump onto the bottom-right of the northern tiles. Step on the switch that appears, then go north through the door.
Go west to the next room, but be prepared to jump to avoid the mud that the Mr. Armstrongs throw at you. Jump onto the northwest tile to reveal a Rod of Sight. Take it, then go east to the previous room.
Use the Rod of Sight to reveal Minie ghosts. Kill them, then go east to the next room.
In this room, do the same as in the previous room: use the Rod of Sight to reveal Minie ghosts. Kill them, then go east to the next room.
Now kill the Bonedogs, but before you go through the east exit, go to the east of the room, and jump north onto the tiles there. Jump onto the left tile of the northeast tiles to reveal the Mirror. Take it. Then go east to the next room.
Press SELECT to switch to the Mirror, or press START to pause, then use the directional pad to switch to the Mirror. When the Magician shoots a magic orb at you, use the Mirror to reflect the orb back at the Magician to damage it. The timing can be difficult. Don't wait until the orb is almost hitting you. Use the Mirror as soon as the orb enters the square just next to you. Keep in mind that if you are too far away from the Magician when you use the Mirror, the Magician will disappear before the orb can hit it. Keep reflecting orbs at the Magicians until they are killed and the east door opens. Go through.
Kill the Muumu mummies until the south door opens, then go through the south door.
Pick up the Bolas. You can optionally use the Rod of Sight to reveal a hidden Minie ghost. Kill it to open a hidden passage to the west. Go through it to get two sets of double hearts. Then go east to the previous room. Then step on the tile, then jump onto the switch, then go through the south door.
There are jumping Skulls in this room, as well as Magicians. Kill the Skulls, and use the Mirror to reflect the magic orbs back at the Magicians to kill them. If the door isn't open, move around the room to make more Magicians appear. When they're all gone, the door will open, but before you go through, there are two tiles on the east side of the room. Jump onto the southern of those two tiles to reveal a Rod of Sight. Take it. Go west to the next room, where you must battle Maxie.