Susuyai Shrine can be found in Hyrule Field, southwest of Lookout Landing.

Shrine Location
Susuyai Shrine is southwest of Lookout Landing, at -0785, -0434, 0018.
A Spinning Device
Up ahead, there are wheeled vehicles automatically going past. One of them has a treasure chest on it. You can use Ultrahand to try to grab the chest as it goes past, or hit that vehicle with an arrow to deactivate all of the Small Wheels on it, then get the chest. Or you can use Recall to temporarily halt that vehicle, making it easier to remove the chest. The chest contains five arrows.
Go past where the vehicles are going, and you find a moving ramp. There is a stone slab off to the side that has two Small Wheels already attached. Attach the other two wheels, then place the vehicle at the base of the moving ramp, stand on the vehicle, and hit it once to activate all the wheels. It will take you to the other side of the ramp. Hit the vehicle once more to stop it.
Detach one of the wheels from the vehicle, and attach it to one of the spokes of the wheel at the top of the short flight of stairs. Hit it to activate it, and it will keep the wheel spinning so that the bars stay open. Go through.
In the next area, there is a stone platform hanging from rails. Take a Small Wheel and place it on top of the rail, just behind the top of the stone platform, and attach it to the stone platform. Then take the other wheel, and place it on top of the rail, in front of the top of the stone platform, and attach it. Then stand on the platform and hit it to start the wheels spinning. They will move the platform along the rails, allowing you to reach the end of the shrine, where you can check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.