When you open the door of the Lightning Temple, Queen Gibdo attacks.

Defeat Queen Gibdo in the Desert
This battle takes place in the Gerudo Desert.
Queen Gibdo can spit a stream of sand at you that you will need to run away from or jump over, or block with your shield.
Queen Gibdo can fly toward you with her claws out. You will need to run to dodge this.
Queen Gibdo can also charge forward toward you, so run to the side to avoid this.
Talk to Riju to make her create a circle of lightning, then hit Queen Gibdo when it is within the circle of lightning. After Queen Gibdo turns white, she is vulnerable to regular attacks.
Queen Gibdo is always vulnerable to fire and lightning, so hit her with these elements whenever possible.
After Queen Gibdo turns white, she may surround herself with whirlwinds that block arrows and are unsafe for you to touch, so wait for these whirlwinds to move outward away from her, then try to shoot her between the whirlwinds or run to her without touching the whirlwinds so you can attack at close range.
Whenever Queen Gibdo goes back to her normal color, talk to Riju and have her create a circle of lightning, then hit Queen Gibdo when the lightning covers her.
After the battle, you can use Riju's lightning to destroy the barrier in the door of the temple, and destroy the two Gibdo Hives outside of the door. After that, enter the Lightning Temple.