Addison is putting up signs to advertise Hudson, the president of the construction company, but he needs your help supporting the signs.
List of Hudson Sign Locations
Below is a list of the locations where you can find Addison holding up a Hudson sign.
Hyrule Field Hudson Signs
- East of Lookout Landing (0671, 0002, 0025)
- North of Great Plateau (-0875, -1468, 0021)
Hyrule Ridge Hudson Signs
- Just west of the Tabantha Great Bridge (-3321, 0507, 0169)
- -1440, -1060, 0040
Tabantha Frontier Hudson Signs
- North of Rito Village (-3614, 2191, 0143)
- -1873, 2322, 0239
Hebra Mountains Hudson Signs
- North of the eastern exit of Hebra South Summit Cave (-3252, 2568, 0448)
- Northeast of Snowfield Stable (-1072, 2800, 0183)
West Necluda Hudson Signs
- Northeast of Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower (1495, -0988, 0156)
- Southeast of Kakariko Village (2100, -1261, 0134)
- North of Lake Hylia (-0142, -2122, 0020)
East Necluda Hudson Signs
- East of Dueling Peaks Stable (1973, -1900, 0023)
- West of Hateno Village (3138, -2140, 0062)
Eldin Canyon Hudson Signs
- Northeast of Thims Bridge (1342, 0802, 0021)
- East of Ekochiu Shrine (1309, 1225, 0115)
- Southeast of the Bridge of Eldin (2264, 2316, 0519)
Lanayru Wetlands Hudson Signs
- 2096, 0217, 0018
- South of the chasm on Mercay Island (1712, 0095, 0047)
Gerudo Hudson Signs
- 1609, -2245, -0016
Akkala Hudson Signs
- North of Sinatika Shrine (3871, 2470, 0055)
- Near Akkala Ancient Tech Lab (4448, 3077, 0215)
- Near South Akkala Stable (3158, 1628, 0204)