From Wellspring Island in the Lanayru Sky, you reach a waterfall that leads you to the Water Temple.

Join Sidon
Go northwest to meet up with Sidon. Talk to him, then go northwest and check on the glowing object to make a teleport location appear.
Activate a Faucet
Below the west side of this platform, there are some stairs leading down. Float down to those stairs and go down them. The opening is blocked by jets of flame, but you can talk to Sidon to be surrounded by a bubble, and you can walk safely through the flames.
Look to the right to see a Hover Stone floating in the air. Take the Hover Stone and hit it to deactivate it, and put it on the switch next to the door to turn off the flames. Next, float southwest past the spikes in the floor. Then take the orb from the platform and throw it back across the spikes. It will reach the other side because of the lower gravity. Before you go, there is a treasure chest attached to the bottom of the Hover Stone above this area. You can shoot the Hover Stone to make it fall, then use Ultrahand to pull the treasure chest to you. Open it to get a Large Zonaite.
Then jump and glide past the spikes, to where you threw the orb. Pick up the orb and attach it to a Hover Stone. Hit the Hover Stone to activate it, then lift it up with Ultrahand and put it near the upper ledge. Then use Ascend on the higher Hover Stone, and climb up to the top of the ledge.
Take the Hover Stone with the orb, and if it got deactivated, make sure to reactivate it. Then push the Hover Stone up against the wall switch so that the orb goes into the hole. Go through the gate that opened, and you find a water wheel. Talk to Sidon to be surrounded by a water bubble, then face the waterwheel and swing your weapon to activate it.
Activate a Second Faucet
Go through the door and walk up the stairs. Glide south to the platform with water in it. Land on a lily pad and use Ultrahand to get the treasure chest out of the water.
Swim to the north edge of this platform and use Ascend to reach the platform above you. Then make your way southwest to a large platform with Constructs on it. Defeat the Constructs, then go to the northwest part of this platform to find a bubble emitter that is covered with sludge. Talk to Sidon to be surrounded by a bubble, then walk onto the front of the sludge-covered bubble emitter and swing your weapon. If you did it correctly, bubbles will be able to come out of it. Don't go into a bubble yet.
Use Ultrahand to pick up the large orb floating in the water, and place it in a bubble. Then when another bubble appears, get into it and let it take you to the platform to the north.
Go to the stone slab that has a gold piece on top of it. If you pull this slab up, it allows the water in this pool to drain, but the waterfall from above will refill it as soon as you let go. So take a Hover Stone and attach it to the gold piece in the top of the stone slab, then lift it up, and the Hover Stone will keep it there (until your energy cell runs out of power, so be sure to use Zonai Charges if needed). Use Ultrahand to place the large orb in the switch.
Go into the room that opened, talk to Sidon to be surrounded by a water bubble, then face the waterwheel and swing your weapon to activate it.
Activate a Third Faucet
Glide east from this platform to reach the central platform. To the northeast, there is a platform with a blob of sludge that is blocking a waterfall. Attach a Splash Fruit to an arrow and shoot it at the sludge to reveal the waterfall. Then equip the Zora Armor and glide to the waterfall, and swim up it.
Talk to Sidon to get a water bubble, then swing your weapon at the treasure chest that is in a puddle of sludge. Then open the treasure chest.
Make your way north over the platforms. On the far platform, a large bubble will float down. Use Recall on it and get into it. When it reaches the top, you can glide out of it to the northeast platform, and deactivate Recall.
Go southeast to the waterwheel. Use Ultrahand to take the two stone slabs from the water. Attach a slab to the side of the waterwheel that is closer to the waterfall, so that the waterfall will hit the slab that you attached and make the waterwheel turn. When the wheel stops turning, attach the second slab to the side of the wheel so that the waterfall will hit the slab. The wheel should keep spinning, but if not, you can detach a stone slab and try to put it on a different part of the wheel.
This will make electricity flow along the wire, but there is a gap that prevents the electricity from reaching the locked room that contains the faucet waterwheel. Use Ultrahand to grab the large water bubble, then move it into the gap between the two wires. The electricity can flow through the water, so it will power the other side of the wire and open the locked room. Talk to Sidon to get a bubble, then swing your weapon at the waterwheel in the room.
Activate a Fourth Faucet
Float southwest to the lower platform, then go southeast to the Fire Like. Wait for it to stop spitting fireballs, then when it sticks out its tongue, shoot it with an arrow to stun it. Then run up and hit its tongue with a weapon until it's defeated. Then you can use Ascend on the platform that it was on.
Defeat the Constructs and Chuchus on this platform. To get an optional treasure chest, go to the southeast part of the platform and find a stone slab. Notice that there is a bubble emitter pointing toward the southeast corner of the area. Attach the nearby Hover Stone to the stone slab, then place the slab at an angle pointing up so that the bubbles will hit it and be launched up to the platform up above, where there is a treasure chest.
Then go back down to the platform where you defeated the Chuchus and Constructs, and go to the west side of the area, where there are some Hover Stones. Use Ascend to reach the highest one, then jump up and draw your bow to slow down time while you aim, attach a Splash Fruit to it, then when the opening of the spinning object is facing you, shoot a Splash Fruit at the sludge in the opening. Repeat this process if there is still sludge in the opening. Afterward, you will be able to see a glowing switch inside of the spinning object. Jump up again, and draw your bow to slow down time while you aim, and hit the glowing switch inside of the spinning object. The water will drain and you can enter the room with the waterwheel, so go there and have Sidon create a bubble, then swing your weapon at the waterwheel.
Activate the Water
Go back to the area with the faucets, and check on the glowing object to activate them. Then you will have to battle Mucktorok.