Within the giant cloud above the Hebra region, you discover the Wind Temple.

Create a Teleport Location
Check on the glowing object in the middle of the ark, and you will add this as a teleport location to your map.
After a cutscene, the locations of the five remaining locks are marked on your map.
Activate a Windmill
In the building south of where you started, there is a chunk of ice. Melt it to find a chest that contains a Soldier II spear.
Go to the structure north of the wind spout in the middle of the ark. To the left, there is a switch. Use Ultrahand to flip this switch. Then enter the room beyond the gate that opened. Defeat the Construct that attacks. Open the chest at the end of the room.
Then use Ascend to go up onto the roof. Go north, defeat the ice chuchu, and go north and melt the block of ice to find a chest.
Go back down to the gate that you opened, and go across to where there is another gate. Attach an icicle to the switch in front of the gate (there are some up above you) and use Ultrahand to flip the switch. Enter the room that opened. There is a large windmill-shaped object here. Approach it and there will be some dialogue. Talk to Tulin to get his wind gust ready, then walk up to the windmill and press the button to have Tulin send a gust of wind into it.
Activate a Second Windmill
Use Ascend in this room to go onto the roof. Defeat the Construct, then go north and you will see some ice in the floor. Jump up and down on it to go down to the room below. Melt the ice on the switch next to the gate, and use Ultrahand to flip the switch. Open the chest in the room beyond to get a Zonaite Shield. Then use Ascend to go back up.
Go to the wind spout in the center of the boat and use it to launch yourself up. Your destination is the roof of the structure on the north side of the ark. Use the boat trampolines around the ark if the wind gust doesn't take you far enough. Once you are on the roof of the northern structure, use Ultrahand to open the doors in the roof.
Before you jump down, look down below to see many lasers. If you try to use the Paraglider after you jump in, the fan down below will push you back up, so you have to fall without the glider. Position yourself to land on the north edge, where there lasers aren't pointing. If a laser shines on you, the gate down below will temporarily lock.
When you make it down through the open gate, first you can glide south to the treasure chest on the ledge there. Open it to get a Soldier Blade.
Then return to the north side. Have Tulin use a wind gust on the windmill as before.
Activate a Third Windmill
Glide back up (using Ascend would put you in a location that is difficult to get out of).
Use the wind spout in the center of the ark to glide up, then land on the floating platform that is southwest of the ark. Beware of the cannon on the side of the ark that shoots at you. Open the treasure chest that you find there. You might need to teleport back to the main deck of the ark.
Do the same on the east side of the ark, and you will find a chest that contains a Strong Construct Bow.
From this eastern platform, you can see an opening in the east side of the ark that has icicles in it. Land on the ledge in front of those icicles (you can teleport back to the main deck and use the central wind spout to reach it) and hit the icicles to open the path.
Defeat the Keese that attack. Take an icicle and go south, and move the icicle through the opening in the bars. Attach the icicle to the treasure chest, then pull it back through the hole, and open it.
Go north and use Recall on the spinning wheel. Step onto it while Recall is in effect. On the other side, defeat the two Constructs, then flip the switch in the corner to open the bars.
Go to the small gear wheels on the wall. Shoot down an icicle and attach it to both of the +-shaped ends of the gear mechanism, attaching it in the crevice near the center of each +. This will cause the icicle to push the non-moving + as it rotates.
Go through the bars and have Tulin use a gust of wind to activate this windmill.
Activate a Fourth Windmill
Climb up and go out of the opening in the side of the ark. Have Tulin use a gust of wind to help you reach a boat trampoline.
Then glide down the west side of the ark to where there is another opening in the side. Go in, kill the Construct to the south, then use Ascend to get on top of the archway over the path. Glide down over the lasers to avoid the trap doors that open beneath you if you walk past the lasers. Open the chest beyond.
Use Ascend to get on top of the arch here, and glide past the lasers. Then go north to where there is ice on the walls. Use Ascend to get on top of the arch, then glide across the gap. Flip the switch to open the bars in the side, then go east and defeat the Construct. Then use Ascend here to go up one floor.
Go to the northwest corner, to where there are two torches, and move the two pieces of rubble to find a chest containing a Captain I Reaper. Then go south, take the piece of rubble, and attach it sideways to the bottom of the gear shaft so that you can have Tulin blow a gust of wind at it to make it rotate. As long as it is rotating, the bars at the top of the short ladder will stay open. Go through where the bars were, then go up the next ladder. Defeat the Construct, then have Tulin blow a gust of wind at the windmill.
Activate a Fifth Windmill
Opening the last windmill opens the bars, so go through. Use the central wind spout to go to the west side of the ark, where the openings on the side are both open. Go through either opening, then go to the icy area in this hallway. Glide to the middle of the icy area, and then go downward until you can go east, to a ledge in the side of the ark.
Kill the construct and have Tulin activate the windmill.
Return to the Main Deck
The bars in the north wall have opened, so glide there and go up the stairs and up the ladder. Go out the side of the ark, glide to the boat trampoline, and use it to reach the main deck. Approach the glowing object south of the central wind spout, and check on it again. This time, the wind spout will be able to open. There will be a cutscene, and then you must battle Colgera.