North of Rito Village, and northwest of the Hebra Trailhead Lodge, you will find the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower.

Tower Location
The tower is located at -3662, 2369, 0231. It is north of Rito Village, and northwest of the Hebra Trailhead Lodge.
How to Reach the Tower
The tower is surrounded by brambles, so you need a source of fire to burn them, or a way to walk over them. You can burn them with flint and wood, or throw a fire fruit at the thorns, or use a flame emitter, or fuse a ruby to a weapon, or you can try to cut down trees and use them as a bridge over the thorns.
Map the Region
After you reach the tower, open the door and examine the terminal to activate the teleport location here. Then step onto the glowing spot in the tower and examine it to be launched upward and map the Tabantha region.