Riogok Shrine is in the northwest part of the Great Plateau, southwest of Hyrule Field Skyview Tower.

Shrine Location
Riogok Shrine is located at -1440, -1616, 0089 in the northwest part of the Great Plateau, southwest of Hyrule Field Skyview Tower.
Force Transfer
Attach the cylinder to the two small gear wheels, then hit the glowing switch, and the gate will open. Go through.
Take the cylinder and attach it to the treasure chest on the ledge in the corner to make it fall down. Open it to get a Construct Bow.
Detach the cylinder, then attach it to the lever next to the bars, and push the lever to the other side.
Take the cylinder from the room that opened, then detach the other cylinder from the lever. Attach one of the cylinders to the bottom of the square slab near the top of the rail on the wall, then use Ultrahand to lift the long slab beneath it and attach the long slab to the bottom of the cylinder.
Then attach the second cylinder to the side of the long slab that is near the large spinning gear. The large gear has a longer piece that will push up on the cylinder that you attached to the long slab. Use Ascend to go to the top of the stone square at the top of the rail. When the large gear pushes up on cylinder, you will move upward enough to jump and climb to the top of the ledge. (If not, try detaching the cylinder from the side of the long slab and reattaching it so it points downward, so it will be pushed farther up when the spoke of the large gear pushes it.) From there, you can check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.