Quicksand Lake Cave is reached via a whirlpool south of Kara Kara Bazaar in the Gerudo Desert.

Cave Location
Quicksand Lake Cave can be reached by going down the quicksand whirlpool at -3238, -2936, 0009, which is south of Kara Kara Bazaar and Mayatat Shrine in Gerudo Desert.
Where is the Shrine?
If you have unlocked done the quest Hateno Village Research Lab and unlocked the Shrine Sensor, it may detect a shrine when you are in this cave. However, you can't reach that shrine from this cave. Instead, go to Ancient Prison Ruins to find the shrine.
Cave Features
In this cave, there is a flow of quicksand going from west to east. There are wooden boards moving along the quicksand that you can use with Ultrahand and Recall to make your way west. For example, take a board and use Ultrahand to move it to the destination that you want to go to, then move it back toward you. Stand on the board and use Recall on it to go back to the destination that you moved it to earlier.
You can also climb up the stone columns and glide from them to other stone columns and solid platforms. If you are holding onto a stone column, you can press the jump button while pushing the control stick in the direction away from where you are facing, and you will jump away from the column.
This cave's Bubbulfrog can be found on the stone column in the southwest part of this cave.
In the western part of the cave, there is a ledge with a Like Like and a treasure chest.