Mayatat Shrine is located at Kara Kara Bazaar in the Gerudo Desert.

Shrine Location
Mayatat Shrine is at Kara Kara Bazaar, -3290, -2512, 0024, in the Gerudo Desert.
A Sliding Device
In this area, there are Sleds sliding down a sandy slope. Use Recall on one of them and stand on it to go up to the upper ledge.
From there, go to the next area, where you find some Steering Sticks and Sleds. There is a large area of quicksand that you can't walk across. Place a Sled on the quicksand near one of the square platforms, and jump onto the square platform. Use Ultrahand from there to take a Fan and attach it to the back of the Sled. Then attach one of the Steering Sticks to the front of the Sled.
Press the button to control the sled, but before you go to the end of the shrine, there is a treasure chest in the area with a raised wall at one of the far corners. It contains 10 arrows.
From the treasure chest, you can glide down to where there is a Sled, Steering Stick, and Fan. Put them together as before, then go straight ahead until you see the end of the shrine on the left. Check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.