The Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower is located in the Hebra Mountains.

Tower Location
The Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower is located at -2318, 3066, 0443 in the Hebra Mountains, northwest of Snowfield Stable. There is a ladder at -2277, 2882, 0377 that you can climb to reach the top of a stone platform. From there, you can walk up the bridge to reach the next stone platform. In that area, you find pieces of a broken bridge on the ground. Part of the broken bridge is hanging down from the platform that the tower is on. Use Ultrahand to take a piece of broken bridge, rotate it to be taller vertically than horizontally, then attach it to the hanging part of the bridge. Attach a second piece of broken bridge, then climb up the attached pieces to reach the tower.
Map the Region
After you reach the tower, open the door and examine the terminal to activate the teleport location here. Then step onto the glowing spot in the tower and examine it to be launched upward and map the Hebra region.