Mount Nabooru Cave goes through Mount Nabooru and is east of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower.

Cave Location
Mount Nabooru Cave has an entrance at -1966, -2059, 0031 and another entrance at -1812, -1958, 0040. It can be found east of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower in Mount Nabooru.
Cave Features
The east entrance of Mount Nabooru Cave can found at the top of the waterfall in the east side of Mount Nabooru. At this entrance, the path splits. To the right, there is a dead end where you will find one of the frog statues for the Yiga Clan Exam.
Back at the split in the path, you find water that flows from west to east. You can float from stone to stone to make your way through this area, but keep an eye on the north wall to see a ledge that you can climb up. Climb up it to find a small area with this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Aside from that, the cave contains some ore deposits that you can reach with help from some wooden boards in the cave.