Mystathi's Shelf Cave is north of Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower, in the lightning symbol on the northeast cliff of Gerudo Summit.

Cave Location
Mystathi's Shelf Cave is north of Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower, in the lightning symbol on the northeast cliff of Gerudo Summit.
Cave Features
There is a lightning target just inside the cave. There is also an opening in the bricks to the left. Go through the opening in the bricks and follow the path, and you will find this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Go back to the lightning target. If you have the Vow of Riju, activate it, then talk to Riju to get a lightning circle, then shoot the lightning target when it is in the lightning circle. This will open the bars at the top of the stairs. Go through where the bars were and open the chest to get a Large Zonaite.