Luto's Channel is southeast of Upland Zorana Skyview Tower, south of Luto's Crossing bridge.

Cave Location
Luto's Channel is located at 3091, -0048, 0079, southeast of Upland Zorana Skyview Tower, south of Luto's Crossing bridge.
Cave Features
There is a large waterfall in the western side of the cave. Wooden boards fall from the top of the waterfall. You can jump across these and use Recall on them to help you cross to the other side of the flowing water. There is a chest on the other side that contains a Zora Sword.
Use Ascend near the treasure chest to reach the ledge up above. Then look south to see a tunnel. If you have Sticky Elixir or the Froggy Armor you can climb up to it. The tunnel leads to a dead end where you will find some ore deposits, bomb flowers, and this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Back in the area with the waterfall, there is an ore deposit on a small island at the top of the lower waterfall. Across from this small island, there is a ledge that has a chest on it. The chest contains a Zora Shield.
Behind the lower waterfall, there is an ore deposit and a rare ore deposit. You can use Ascend in the small niche nearby to go back up to the island at the top of the lower waterfall.