Mayachideg Shrine is southeast of Death Mountain, near South Akkala Stable.

Shrine Location
Mayachideg Shrine is at 3061, 1823, 0216, southeast of Death Mountain, near South Akkala Stable.
Proving Grounds: The Hunt
Take the wooden stick from the rack near the entrance. Then go to one of the homing carts up ahead and attach the nearby spikes to the front of the cart. Do the same with the other cart. Then point the carts at the Construct and hit them to activate them. The carts will damage the Construct with the spikes. Try to avoid letting the Construct see you. Otherwise, keep running away from the Construct, and eventually the spike carts will defeat it.
Move the carts through the gate and move them toward the Constructs, but try not to let them see you, because they can outrun the carts and you will need to battle multiple Constructs at once. After some of the Constructs have been defeated, you can sneak around looking for the other carts that are around the area. There is one in the back that is next to a beam emitter, which you can attach to the front of the cart and point at the enemies to deal even more damage.
After you defeat all the Constructs, the gate opens. Go through and open the chest to get a Captain IV Spear or similar. Then check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.