Kimayat Shrine is located northeast of Gut Check Rock, which is northeast of Death Mountain.

Shrine Location
Kimayat Shrine is located at 2855, 3629, 0238, northeast of Gut Check Rock, which is northeast of Death Mountain.
Proving Grounds: Smash
Defeat the Constructs near the entrance, then use Ascend to get on top of one of the side platforms, where there are spiked balls and stone barrels that you can fuse to your weapons. Then use ice fruits or the frost emitter to make ice platforms in the water. Put an ice platform near the broken stone column that holds up the platform that the rest of the Constructs are standing on. Hit the column with your fused heavy weapon to break it. The Constructs will fall into the water and be defeated.
After you defeat all the Constructs, the gate opens. Go through and open the chest to get a Captain IV Reaper or similar. Then check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.