Kamizun Shrine is in Hyrule Field, southeast of Lake Kolomo.

Shrine Location
Kamizun Shrine is at -0177, -1557, 0023, in Hyrule Field, southeast of Lake Kolomo.
Proving Grounds: Beginner
In this shrine, you won't have access to any of your equipment or armor, but you can use equipment that you find in the shrine.
Pick up the Old Wooden Bow, Old Wooden Shield, Wooden Stick, and arrows from the entrance area. Then try to shoot the Soldier Construct that is on the tall column. Then you can fuse the boulder or stone barrel to the Wooden Stick to increase the attack power. Then try to sneak around the columns so that the Soldier Constructs don't all attack you at once. When you defeat a Construct, you can take its weapons and fuse its horn to a weapon as well. If you crouch, you may be able to attack the Constructs with Sneakstrike.
Shrine Reward
After you defeat all of the Constructs, you can go through where the bars were and open the chest to get a Spring Shield.