The Joju-u-u Shrine is located near Lakeside Stable.

Shrine Location
Joju-u-u Shrine is located at 1516, -3576, 0142.
Building Bridges
Cross the bridge, and you will find a broken bridge. Go down to the lower area and pick up the end of the part of the bridge that is flat on the ground. Attach the end of it to the piece of bridge that is hanging down against the wall. Then climb up the nearby ladder and cross the bridge that you just repaired.
Next you will find a bridge that is partly rolled up on the floor. This bridge is too long; if you try to connect the ends, it hangs down and touches the floor. So grab the third or fourth segment from the end of the long bridge, and connect that to the far end. Then climb the ladder and go to the middle, and jump from there to the side platform. If the bridge isn't high enough, you will need to connect a bridge segment that is farther away from the end of the long bridge.
Next, you find a broken bridge with no other side of the bridge to attach it to. Instead, there is a stone cube in the corner. Attach this stone cube to the top of the final segment of the bridge, then drape the bridge over the metal bar at the end. The cube provides enough weight to keep the end segment of the bridge hanging over the metal bar. Go across this bridge.
Now you can see a treasure chest to the left of the next bridge. To reach it, you will have to grab a middle segment of the bridge and raise it up to the short segment of bridge that is hanging down from where the treasure chest is.
After you open the treasure chest, check on the glowing object at the end of the shrine to receive a Light of Blessing.