In the Lanayru Great Spring Sky, you find a shrine near the Water Temple.

Shrine Location
This shrine is located in Lanayru Great Spring Sky at 3480, 0667, 1325.
Orbs of Water
Go forward and stand on the small platform to enter an orb of water. It will float up and take you to the upper ledge. Press the dash button to get out of the bubble.
To the left, there is an unmoving orb of water, and a treasure chest that falls repeatedly. Use Ultrahand to move the orb so that the chest falls into it. Then pull the chest toward you and open it.
Nearby, an orb falls onto the ledge. Use Recall on it and get into it, and it will take you up above.
Next, enter the orb that moves toward the far ledge. Dash out of it when you have reached the far ledge.
In this area, there is a stone cube on a metal rail. Move the cube so that it is in the path of the bubbles that are coming out of the wall. Then attach the nearby metal plate to the stone cube at an angle so that the orb of water will be launched upward on the ramp when it hits it. Get into the orb of water to be taken up to the end of the shrine. Check on the glowing object to complete the shrine and get a Light of Blessing.