Jojon Shrine is in the northeastern part of Hyrule Field, inside of Crenel Peak Cave.

Shrine Location
Jojon Shrine is located at 1209, 0322, 0027, in the northeastern part of Hyrule Field, inside of Crenel Peak Cave.
Proving Grounds: Rotation
Take the weapons from the nearby rack. The area up ahead has a large spinning gear with flame emitters on top. There are also some flame emitters on construct heads on spikes that you can move around with Ultrahand. The flame emitters will attack the Constructs if they are near, so you can place the spike in the ground near a Construct to defeat it. There is also an area beneath the spinning gear, so be sure to check it if you can't find the rest of the Constructs.
After you defeat all the Constructs, the gate opens. Go through and open the chest to get a Magic Rod. Then check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.