Garini returns to the restored Lurelin Village to find that his trading boat has floated out to sea.

How to Start the Quest
You can start this quest after you complete Ruffian-Infested Village. You might also need to complete Lurelin Village Restoration Project. Talk to Garini at the Lurelin dock to start the quest.
How to Complete the Quest
Garini says to check Tenoko Island. You will find it in the middle of the Necluda Sea. There are many ways to get there, but one way is to go to the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab in Hateno Village and go south to the beach. There is a steering stick and a fan there, so attach them to a wooden board and put it in the water, then stand on the steering stick and press the button to check on the controls. Go south to find Tenoko Island.
On the island, you will see several boats. You only need one of these boats, so choose one, then pick up all of the fan capsules and steering stick capsules on the island. Then attach a fan to the back of the boat (which is shaped like a tail) and a steering stick at the front, and attach the four batteries anywhere on the boat. You can optionally attach the two rockets to the back for a temporary speed boost.
Then check on the steering stick to start going. Make your way south until you are past the curve of Cape Cresia, then go west until you can start going northwest, and finally north to the village. Navigate the boat toward Garini and there will be an automatic cutscene.
Quest Reward
Garini gives you a Star Fragment, and he will open his shop. If you have completed Lurelin Village Restoration Project, everything in his shop will be free.