The starite is on top of a bunch of explosive barrels. You need to get it off of there without igniting the barrels, and then make the barrels explode, then make Maxwell fly up to the gap to catch the starite when it falls.
- Put a BALLOON (TOY) on the starite. Give Maxwell a GUN and shoot the barrel. Give him WINGS and have him fly below the space where the barrels were. Remove the balloon from the starite and wait for it to fall down to Maxwell. If it gets stuck up there, put a WHEEL on the ramp and run it into the starite until it falls.
- Put an RC HELICOPTER next to the starite. Tap the helicopter to control it. Make it float up. Create a STRING (GUITAR) and attach one end to the helicopter and the other end to the starite. Float up and put the starite onto the ground next to the crack. Give Maxwell a LASER BEAM and shoot the barrel. Give him a JETPACK and have him fly to the space where the barrels were. Use a heavy object like a BOWLING BALL to knock the starite over to the gap.
- Put a GIANT ULTRASONIC RC CAR next to the starite. Create a TINY VINE and attach it to the car and the starite. Tap the car to control it. Drive it up the hill. Create HANDCUFFS and attach one end to the hill and the other end to the starite. Tap Maxwell to regain control of him, then throw away the car and the vine. Give him WINGED ARMOR and a PAINT GUN. Shoot hte barrel and fly up to the space where the barrels were. Remove the handcuffs and use a heavy object like a TIRE to knock the starite into the gap.