After you get the Grappling Beam, you can enter the Wrecked Ship in Crateria, where you can obtain the Gravity Suit.

Go to the Mini-Boss
Go to the right and go through the door. Beware of the Covern that appears at random in this area. Go down to the bottom of the area, and when you reach a dead end, shoot the floor until you can enter a tunnel on the left side and roll through to the right to go farther down. At the bottom, use a Super Missile to open the door in the floor, and go down through it.
Go to the right and roll through the tunnel in the wall, using a bomb to get past the barrier if you did not shoot it, then shoot the Gadora on the door with missiles whenever it opens its eye. After you kill it, go through the door where it was.
A ring of blue flames will appear, then Phantoon will attack. You can only damage Phantoon when its eye is open, and you have to use missiles or charged attacks. It will sometimes drop its blue flames to the floor. They will damage you if they touch you, but you can shoot them to get health, missiles, and bombs. Phantoon moves in a figure-eight and eventually opens its eye. It will sometimes disappear, and blue flames will continue to fall from where it is hiding. Sometimes it reappears and is stationary, while a wave of blue flames falls from above. If you shoot it with a Super Missile, it will drop waves of flames down from above before resuming its usual attack pattern.
After you defeat it, collect the health and missiles that it leaves behind.
Get the Gravity Suit
Leave the room and you will find that the Wrecked Ship has been reactivated. Some of the broken wires give off sparks that will hurt you if they touch you. Roll to the left through the tunnel, using a bomb to break the barrier if you didn't shoot it, and keep going left through the room. There are Workrobots walking around and Atomics floating diagonally around the room. The Workrobots sometimes shoot ring-shaped beams of energy at you, and there may sometimes be random ring-shaped beams that appear even when a Workrobot is not on screen. At the left side of the room, open the door and go through to find a Map Room. Use the machine to get the map of the Wrecked Ship, then leave the room.
Go to the middle of the room and go through the door in the ceiling.
Go upward and shoot the blocks in the ceiling, then use a bomb to reach the tunnel and roll through it. Go through the door on the left and get the Super Missile Tank from this room, then go back to the previous room.
Go to the right and use a bomb against the wall to reveal a tunnel. Roll through and use another bomb at the end to get through. Shoot the door and go through it.
The Bull (green plant-like) enemies can be killed with missiles. Go to the right side of the room, then go up against the right wall (you may wish to shoot the Workrobot until it falls onto the conveyor belt), and drop a bomb to bounce upward, then drop another bomb at the highest point of your bounce to open a tunnel there. Use another bomb if needed to get into that tunnel, and roll through to the right. Take the Super Missile Tank.
Exit the room where you got the Super Missile Tank. Use bombs to roll through the tunnel to the left of the door. Go up one ledge, then another. If there is a door on the right, you went too far and need to go down one ledge. Go to the left wall and drop a bomb, then roll through the tunnel. Carefully go to the left past the spiked platforms, and take the Missile Tank at the end. Then go to the right past the spiked platforms and roll back through the tunnel.
Go upward and ignore the first door on the right. You can optionally go through the second door on the right to reach a save room. From the door to the save room, keep going up through the room, and at the top, shoot the ceiling to get rid of the barrier, and continue going up. Open the door in the ceiling and go through.
You need to kill all of the enemies in this room to unlock the doors. Start by going to the left, then when you have killed all of the enemies there, go to the right and kill the enemies there, then go through the door on the right.
Shoot the Workrobots in this room to push them into the spiked pits, then take the Missile Tank at the right side of the room. Leave this room the way you came in.
Kill the enemies in this room again and go to the left side of the room. Go through the door there.
There is a door in the wall below you, but it leads to a dead end. However, if you have the X-Ray Scope, you can go there to see some hidden passages, which can help you get an item later. To see the hidden passages, go through that door and Speed Boost to the right, then use the X-Ray Scope to see that there are hidden passages leading up from below, and a Speed Boost block that you can't reach, and two Pit Blocks that you can't reach. If you went to this dead end, go back the way you came to return to the outdoor area.
If you go up and to the left, you eventually see some Trippers going left and right. If you stand on the uppermost Tripper, it eventually takes you to a wall to the left that you can shoot to reveal a Missile Tank. You will need to spin jump toward the Missile Tank to take it from the gap in the wall. Or you can try to Speed Boost up to that wall from below if you don't want to wait for the Trippers.
Go the leftmost side of this area and use a Bomb or Power Bomb or the X-Ray Scope to find a Super Missile block in the ground. Shoot it with a Super Missile and fall through the gap where it was, then crouch down and face the left side and shoot your beam to break through the barrier there. Roll to the left to reach the Missile Tank.
Go back up and shoot the Super Missile block if necessary and jump up through the gap where it was. Go to the right and either use Bombs, a Power Bomb, or the X-Ray Scope to find breakable blocks in the ground. Shoot downward to break the blocks and go through the hole where they were. Then roll through the tunnel on the right and you reach a door. You can kill the Zebs to replenish health, missiles, and bombs as needed. Then go through the door on the right.
Go to the right through several rooms until you are back in the Wrecked Ship. Use the Grappling Beam to reach the right side of the room, then stand on the Chozo Statue's hands and roll into a ball. After a cutscene, go through the door on the left. Shoot the item and take the Gravity Suit. You will now take less damage, and can move freely underwater, and can enter lava without taking damage, but will still be damaged by acid.
Reach a New Area
Go back through the door on the right, then bomb the floor below the door and roll through the tunnel to the right. At the right side, use a bomb, then shoot your beam upward, then stand on the ledge that sticks out above you and shoot to the right to open a tunnel. Roll through it and shoot the Workrobots to push them into the gaps. Take the Missile Tank from the right side of the room.
Use a Power Bomb to open a path to the right. Speed Boost to the right and do a Shinespark to go up through the Boost Block above you. Then go to the left to fall through the Pit Blocks there. Jump to the left to avoid the hidden hole between you and the item on the left, then shoot the item and take the Reserve Tank. Then go to the right to fall into the hidden hole. Speed Boost to the left to break through the Boost Blocks. Roll through the tunnel on the left, bomb through the blocks above you at the end, and go through the door on the left, then go through the next door on the left to leave the Wrecked Ship.
Go straight downward to the bottom of the area underwater, where you can now move freely because of the Gravity Suit. Go to the left and shoot the wall, then use a bomb to bounce up into the tunnel. Go to the left to find a Missile Tank. Take it, then go to the right and roll through the tunnel again.
Go to the right and then up to reach the door back into the Wrecked Ship. Go to the right and go through the door. You can go through the door on the right to save the game if you wish. Exit the save room afterward. Then go through the door below the save room, which is now flashing.
Use missiles to kill the Bull (green plant-like enemy). Then go to the right side of the room and go through the door there. You can jump on top of the moving platforms as you go to the right, but be careful not to be crushed against the ceiling spikes. Go through the door on the right.
Go to the right side of the room and shoot the ceiling blocks, then go up through where they were and go to the left side of the room, and shoot the ceiling blocks there. Go up onto the next ledge, then shoot through the middle of the ceiling. Go up through the hole, then shoot the ceiling on the right. Go up to the door and shoot five missiles at it. Go through.
Use the Grappling Beam, and jump on the platforms, to reach the left side of the room. Take the Energy Tank. Then go back to the upper-right side of the room and go back through the door there.
Go to the right side of the room and shoot below you, then go to the middle and shoot below you. Then go through the door on the right.
Go through the door in the upper-right part of this area, then go down below and go through the door at the bottom of the area. Go down below and roll to the right through the tunnel to reach the water. Keep going to the left until you reach a dead end. The dead end tunnel has a bombable block in the middle. You can use bombs or a Power Bomb or the X-Ray Scope to find it. After you break it, jump up through it, then go to the left to fall through the Pit Block. Then go to the left and go through the door.
Use a Power Bomb to open the door in the floor, then go through it. Use the elevator to go down to Maridia.