After defeating Spore Spawn and Kraid, Samus descends into Norfair, where the Speed Booster, Ice Beam, and Power Bombs can be found.

Get the Speed Booster
From the Brinstar-Norfair elevator, go downward and go through the first door on the right. Go to the right and shoot the floor to open a hole in the floor. Go down and make your way to the right, then jump onto the small platform there then jump up to a ledge above and shoot five missiles at the door to open it. Go through.
If you don't mind taking some damage to get a Missile Tank, go past the second column of rock on the right, then go down to the bottom. Shoot the right side of the small pool of lava to reveal a Missile Tank. Roll to it to take it. Or you can come back later when you have an upgrade that makes it easier. If you went to the Missile Tank, go back upward until you can go to the right again. Go to the lower-right door. Shoot it open with a Super Missile and go through.
Go to the right. The lava will be rising, but it won't cover up the platforms that you have to jump over, so just keep going to the right until you reach the door. Go through.
In this large green bubble room, the middle-left door leads to a save room. If you use the save room, exit it to return to the large green bubble room. Go to the bottom right of the room to fall through a hole in the floor. At the bottom, shoot downward until you are in an area with spikes in the floor. Jump over the spikes to the left and take the Missile Tank.
After you get the Missile Tank, go to the right and go upward, shooting the blocks in the ceiling. Go up through the green bubble ceiling, then go to the left until you reach the two statue heads embedded in the green bubbles. Shoot the stones between those statue heads, then go through the hole. Shoot the middle of the floor here, and fall down the hole. At the bottom, drop another bomb (beware of the Sovas that crawl around in these tunnels) and roll to the right, then when you fall farther down, drop another bomb and roll to the left. Drop a bomb to open the end of the tunnel, then shoot the door in the floor and fall in.
Go downward. If you need to recharge energy or weapons, you can go through the first door and shoot the Gamets that come out of the floor. If you went into the Gamet room, go through the door on the left when you are done. Go down to the bottom of the room and go through the door there.
Multiviolas bounce through this room, and Magdollites can rise up from the lava and throw flaming lava at you. If you are on solid ground before the Magdollite throws the lava, you can roll into a ball to avoid the thrown lava. Go to the right side of the room and go through the door there.
In this room, just go through the upper-right door.
In this room, quickly go to the right side. Roll through the hidden tunnel under the Fune that is sticking out of the wall, then shoot the middle of the ceiling. Make your way up the ledges and go through the door at the top.
Go to the left and stand on the moving platform (a.k.a. Tripper), and quickly roll into a ball so you don't hit the spikes hanging down. Then jump off on the platform to the left. Go to the left over the spikes, and avoid the wall that rises and falls from the ceiling. Go to the left and land on the next Tripper, and crouch again to avoid the hanging spikes. Then go through the door on the left side of the room.
Make your way upward, and if you need to recharge energy or missiles, go through the first door on the right, then go to the right, roll through the tunnel, and shoot the Kago to make little bits come out, then shoot the bits to turn them into energy and missiles. The Kago itself will drop energy and missiles if you shoot it enough times to destroy it. Afterward, go to the left, roll through the tunnel, and go through the door on the left.
Continue going upward. You can get a Missile Tank if you shoot the door on the right with five missiles and go through, then jump across the platforms, shoot the light on the gate to open it, and jump through. Take the Missile Tank. You now have the option of trying to get the Wave Beam early. If you don't want to try to get the Wave Beam early, skip to the next paragraph. If you do want to try to get the Wave Beam earlier than intended, walk to the right so you fall straight down. You will land on some spikes. Jump to the right to avoid the Pit Blocks in the middle of the spikes, then wall jump up the wall on the right to reach the door at the top. Shoot it with five missiles and go through. Shoot the item that the Chozo Statue is holding, and take the Wave Beam. Unlike the other arm cannon beams, the Wave Beam goes through walls. Exit the Wave Beam room. From the door to the Wave Beam room, go down to the middle of the spiky floor to fall through the Pit Blocks there. Go to the left and roll through the tunnel.
Go to the left and go through the door. Go to the top and go through the upper-left door. In the green bubble room, go up the ledges, then jump to the upper-right door, shoot it with a Super Missile, and go through.
Shoot the Skree that are hanging on the ceiling, then jump onto the middle-right platform and shoot the ceiling. Jump up through the hole, then shoot the ceiling of this area and jump up through the hole. You can go to the left and shoot the Gamets to get energy and missile recharges. Then go through the door to the right.
Run to the right through this long room. Before you go through the door at the end, shoot the ceiling to reveal a hidden Missile Tank. Take it, then shoot the door on the right with five Missiles, and go through.
Shoot the orb that the Chozo statue is holding, and take the Speed Booster that it is holding. The area will start rumbling, so go through the door and start running to the left. After you have run for a while, the Speed Booster will activate. You can let go of the run button after the Speed Booster activates. When you reach the top of the room, shoot the door and go through.
Get the Ice Beam
Shoot the floor and fall through the hole, then jump across to the door on the left and go through. Go to the left side of the room, and go through the door just below the save room door.
Go to the left past the Dragons, Sovas, and Squeepts, and go through the door on the left. If you didn't get the Missile Tank in the lava in this room, you can do so now (shoot the right side of the first lava pool from the right), or come back later after you get an upgrade. Go to the upper-left part of the room and go through the door.
Go down to the bottom of this area, and go to the left until you can jump up onto a ledge. Go up to the top, then drop a bomb to get into the tunnel on the upper left. From there, go to the left and go through the door.
You should now be back in the vertical room that has the elevator at the top, but don't go up the elevator. Instead, shoot the upper-left door with a Super Missile and go through. Run to the left, and the Speed Booster will make you go quickly enough to get past the barrier before it closes. If you are not fast enough and get stuck between the two gates, bomb the two metal blocks to the left of the barrier on the right, go through the hole, then roll to the right side of the tunnel and drop a bomb at the right side, then leave the room and go back in to try again. After you get past those gates, go through the door on the left.
The Trippers in this room will move downward at an angle if you stand on them for too long, so jump across each gap quickly. Go to the left and go through the door.
Jump up to the ledge on the left, and make your way up to the top of the room while avoiding the flames that the Funes spit out. Don't go through the door at the top. Instead, go up against the door and shoot the floor so you land on a small ledge. Below you, there is a hole in the wall on the right, so roll to the left and then go to the right to land on a block below you. Keep doing this until you reach the hole in the right wall. Roll through it, then go through the door on the right.
Shoot the Chozo statue's orb and take the Ice Beam. As before, to disable or enable this beam, you can pause the game, press R, then select Ice Beam in the beam menu. Ice Beam temporarily freezes enemies, and you can use those frozen enemies as temporary platforms (the enemies will eventually start blinking and then thaw out). However, this means that if you want to kill the enemies instead, you will need to shoot them again after freezing them. If you would rather defeat enemies more quickly, you can disable Ice Beam, then re-enable it as needed.
Get Power Bombs
Exit the room where you got Ice Beam, and roll through the tunnel on the left. When you land on the ledge on the left, you can try to wall jump to the top, then shoot upward to break open the ceiling. If you are unable to do so, you can instead go to the bottom of the room, then go to the left side and go up to the top of the room. Go through the door at the top.
Approach the lava, then use the Ice Beam to freeze the Boyons that hop out of the lava. Jump onto the frozen Boyons to reach the tunnel on the right. Roll through, then freeze the Ripper to go across the lava on the right. Go through the door on the right.
You will fall through some Pit Blocks. At the bottom, go to the right side and drop a bomb to open a hole into the tunnel on the right. There is a Sova in the tunnel. Roll to the rightmost side of the tunnel and you will fall through a Pit Block. Go through the door on the right.
Go to the top of this room and go up the elevator to return to Brinstar.
Go through the door on the left, then keep going left until you are in the tall red room with Rippers flying back and forth above you. Freeze the nearest Ripper, jump onto it, then freeze the next Ripper, and so on. Freeze the uppermost Ripper when it's in the right half of the screen. Use it to jump onto the ledges above. Jump up to the next ledge, then jump up through the hidden hole in the ceiling on the left. Go to the right and shoot upward to break the two blocks above you. Go up through the hole and land on the ledge above. Keep going upward until you find more Rippers. Freeze them and jump upward on them, and at the top, shoot the ceiling to open a hole. Go through the hole, then go through the door on the right.
Slowly go toward the right side of this room, but try not to fall into the Samus Eater plants. If you do, they will bite for a while. Try to jump out as soon as they stop biting. Zebbos will fly out of some of the plants. You can kill them to recharge health and items. When you reach the right side of the room, go through the door.
You can optionally go up and through the door on the right to use the save room. Then exit the save room and go back down to the bottom of the room. Shoot the square blocks in the middle of the floor, and go down through the hole. Make your way downward, and shoot the floor to reach the area below, where some Zeros are crawling on the walls. At the bottom, use a Super Missile to open the door. Go through.
Go to the left, using the Ice Beam to freeze the Boyons in the way. At the left side of the room, shoot the Chozo Statue's orb and take the Power Bombs.
About Special Beam Attacks
With Power Bombs, you can now use special beam attacks. Special beam attacks consume one Power Bomb. To perform a special beam attack, press START to pause the game, then press R to go to the status screen. In the status screen, you need to enable charge beam, and disable all but one of your other types of beams. For example, enable only charge beam and spazer. Then press START to close the pause screen, and press SELECT to choose Power Bombs. Then, while NOT rolled into a ball, hold the attack button to charge up your beam. When it is fully charged, one of your Power Bombs will be consumed, and you will be surrounded by a special beam shield that can hit enemies around you. The type of shield depends on which beam you have selected.
Before you leave the room, roll into a ball near the Chozo Statue and use a Power Bomb to destroy the wall behind the statue. Go through to get a Missile Tank.
Go to the right and go through the door to exit the Power Bomb room. Go upward. When the path is blocked, shoot through the ceiling. Keep going upward. Go to the upper-left door and shoot it with a Super Missile, then go through.
Go to the left side of this room and use a Power Bomb. After the floor is gone, fall into the leftmost Samus Eater plant (this one won't bite you) and you will fall into a new area. Take the Power Bomb tank.
Go upward through the fake Samus Eater plant, then make your way to the right side of the room. You can freeze the Yapping Maws to go there more easily. If the door on the right side of the room is locked, you need to kill the Sidehoppers to unlock it. Once it's unlocked, go through it.
Return to Norfair
Although it's possible to get many upgrade tanks in Crateria and Brinstar now, some of them won't be accessible until you get some new equipment in Norfair, so this guide will list those upgrades later.
To reach Norfair from here, go down to the door on the left and use a Power Bomb to open it. Go to the left through this room with the Samus Eater plants and go through the door on the left. Shoot open the floor and go down where you can shoot through the floor to continue going downward. At the bottom of the room, go to the right through several rooms until you reach the elevator. Before you go down the elevator, you can try to get a Missile Tank in a room nearby, but it is difficult to do so with your current equipment. If you don't want to try for it, just go down the elevator to return to Norfair. If you do want to try for it, shoot the wall on the right with a Super Missile and roll through the opening, then jump up to the right to go through the statue's mouth, then open the door on the right.
Shoot the floor under the door and fall down through it, then drop a bomb next to the wall to the right of the door down below. Roll to the right through the tunnel, then go up through the door in the ceiling.
Go to the right side of the room and use a Power Bomb to open a tunnel in the wall. You can roll into a ball and try to rapidly press the attack button to make yourself bounce up with the bombs until you reach the tunnel. If you make it into the tunnel, roll to the right and drop a bomb if needed, and take the Missile Tank. You will fall through Pit Blocks after. If you weren't able to make it into the tunnel, you can come back later after you get an upgrade that makes it easier.
Go to the left through several rooms until you have reached the elevator. Go down the elevator to return to Norfair.