After you get all of the upgrades in Maridia, you can move on to Lower Norfair.

Go to Lower Norfair
From the bottom of the Brinstar-Norfair elevator, go down to the second door on the right and go through it to reach the save room. Go through the door on the right. Speed Boost to the right to reach the door on the right, and go through.
Go to the right and then go downward. Shoot through the floor and go to the bottom. To the left there is a gate. With the Wave Beam, you can shoot through the gate to hit the light on the gate and open it. Go through the door on the left.
Make your way down through the room with the red Space Pirates and the grey Geemers, and go through the door at the bottom, then go through the door on the right. Use the energy recharge machine if needed, then go through the door on the right. Use the Grappling Beam to go past the lava and spikes, and go through the door on the right.
Shoot the light on the gate to open it, then roll through the tunnel on the right. Go down to the bottom of the room and use a Power Bomb to open the door. Go through.
Now that you have the Gravity Suit, you can safely enter the lava below. Do so, and Space Jump between the flames that the Namihe spit out, to make your way to the upper-left part of the room, but beware of the spikes near the upper-left. Go through the upper-left door.
You can go past the elevator to use the save room if you wish, then go back to the elevator and go down.
Lower Norfair
Go to the left from the elevator, avoiding the acid, the Dragons, and the Hibashi flames. Go through the door on the left side of the room.
Space Jump to the left side of the room and use a Power Bomb to reveal a golden Chozo Statue. Stand on the statue's hands and roll into a ball. After the statue lets go of you, go down to the bottom of the room and fall down through the hidden hole in the bottom left of the room. Use bombs or a power bomb to get rid of the blocks below you, then roll through the tunnel where the blocks were. Go to the right, past the Holtzes and Magdolites, then go through the door on the right.
There are Pit Blocks to the right, so Space Jump to the right to get the Missile Tank there. Then fall through the Pit Blocks and go to the right, and the Golden Torizo will fall from above.
Golden Torizo
This boss can dodge Missiles, and can catch Super Missiles and throw them at Samus, so it is best to use the charged Plasma Beam against it. The Golden Torizo will jump toward you if you are too far away, will turn if you go behind it, and will jump backward if you get too close. It will sometimes shoot a beam at the floor, which will create an explosion around the area where it hit. Stay away from the beam and the ensuing explosion. The Golden Torizo can also shoot a series curved beams that go straight toward you, randomly aimed at your upper body or your lower body. Since these beams move quickly, you may find it easier to Space Jump to avoid them. You can shoot the eggs that it spits out to get health and items.
It is possible to back the Golden Torizo against the right side of the room and stand where its left foot is when it has its left leg forward, then aim up at it and not get hit by any of its attacks if you are positioned correctly.
Get the Screw Attack
Before you leave the room, jump up to the upper-right part of the room and quickly roll into a ball and use a Power Bomb to break open an area above you. Go into that area and shoot the left wall to reveal a Super Missile Tank.
Then go back down below and go through the door on the right. Shoot the item that the Chozo Statue is holding and take the Screw Attack.
The Screw Attack activates whenever you Space Jump, and allows you to jump through certain types of obstacles to destroy them. It also damages many enemies and makes you invulnerable to some attacks while in use. You can disable it if needed (such as in rooms that have breakable platforms that you don't want to break) by pressing START and then R, then select Screw Attack to turn it on or off.
Go to the Next Boss
Screw Attack through the ceiling. You can go through the door on the right to find an energy recharge room.
Leave the recharge room and go to the top of the room. Go through the door there. Screw Attack to the right to get past all of the Rippers, shoot a Super Missile at the light on the gate to open it, and go through the door on the right.
In the small room with the two Violas, go through the door on the right. Space Jump to the right through this room. You can Screw Attack through the blocks in the columns. Don't take too long, because the acid will eventually rise and fill the room. Go through the door on the right.
Space Jump up through the room to kill the Space Pirates. The Namihe are immune to Screw Attack, but you are immune to their flames while Screw Attacking. When you reach the top of the room, shoot upward through the ceiling to reveal an area above with a door on the left. If you want a Missile Tank, go through that door. Go down below and shoot through the blocks in the middle of the floor, then go to the left wall and drop a bomb to land on the ledge below. (There are Pit Blocks beneath the floor but not beneath the ledge on the left wall.) Roll through the tunnel on the left to get a Missile Tank. Roll back through the tunnel but avoid going too far to the right so you can avoid the Pit Blocks. Jump up through the hole on the left, then go up and through the upper-right door. Shoot through the floor and go through the upper-right door.
If you fell through the Pit Blocks, you can shoot through the blocks in the floor, then go to the left and through the door, go to the bottom of the room with the Space Pirates and use a Power Bomb, shoot through the floor in the middle, go through the door on the right, quickly Screw Attack to the right to break through the blocks in the columns, go through the door on the right, then Screw Attack up through the ceiling. If you didn't get the Missile Tank because of falling through Pit Blocks, you can Screw Attack up to the upper-left door, go through it, go down below and shoot through the blocks in the middle of the floor, then go to the left wall and drop a bomb to land on the ledge below. Roll through the tunnel on the left to get a Missile Tank. Roll back through the tunnel but avoid going too far to the right so you can avoid the Pit Blocks. Repeat this paragraph if you fell through without getting the Missile Tank and want to try again.
Otherwise, if you got the Missile Tank and went back up from there to the upper-right door, go through. Then shoot through the floor and go through the upper-right door.
The acid in this room will rise continuously. After you land on the ground, Space Jump upward until you see the bottom of the stalactite. Go upward while staying on the right side of the stalactite. When you reach the ceiling, go to the right and go through the door.
Shoot the blocks and floor just to the left or right of the middle to open a hole. Fall down it, then go downward through this room. Go through the door on the right to use the save room, then exit the save room and continue going downward. At the bottom, bomb the blocks to reveal a tunnel. Roll to the right through the tunnel. Use a Power Bomb at the end to open the door. Fall down through it.
Use Spring Ball to jump into the small tunnel in the left wall, then use a bomb to open the tunnel. Roll to the left through it, and use a bomb at the end to get out. Go to the left through the room, and use a Power Bomb on the left side. This will open a tunnel on the left and remove the statue in the middle. First, roll to the left through the tunnel, and take the Power Bomb tank. Then go back and fall down through the opening where the statue was. Shoot through the floor, then land on the spike platform in the middle. When it falls down below, move to the right, into the gap where there are no spikes. When the spike platform goes back up, fall down the middle to land on another spike platform. When it falls, go to the door on the left, shoot it with a Super Missile, and go through.
These Space Pirates, sometimes known as Metal Space Pirates, are invulnerable unless you make them turn gold. While invulnerable, your beams and missiles will bounce off of them. The rightmost pirate will turn gold and do jumping kicks at you if you stand on the set of three metal blocks to the left of it, and the leftmost pirate will turn gold and do jumping kicks at you if you stand on the set of three metal blocks to the right of it. If they just spin jump over you instead of turning gold, move slightly farther away from them to make them turn gold and do a diagonal kick downward at you. While they are gold, you can damage them with anything but non-charged shots. They will kick you if you stand near them, and will throw claws at you from a distance. When they are gone, go through the door on the left.
You can kill the Holtzes, and the Zebbos that come out of the pipes, to recharge health and items. Go through the door on the left.
Go to the left through this room, and shoot the Gadora with missiles when it opens its eye. When it is gone, go through the door.
Ridley can spit fireballs, which you can avoid if you Screw Attack through them. When the fireballs hit a wall or the floor, they will create a spreading explosion from that point.
Ridley will swing his tail at you and will sometimes bounce up and down on his tail on the platform at the bottom of the room.
Ridley can grab you and fly upward with you while attacking you.
Sometimes Ridley will swoop in a U-shape.
Non-charged beam shots do not damage Ridley. Super Missiles do the most damage. Ridley will attempt to fly away from Power Bombs that you place, but will be harmed by them if he doesn't move far enough away. You can try to place the bomb in the middle of the room to make it less likely that Ridley will be able to fly out of range.
After the battle, go through the door on the left.
Get an Energy Tank
Shoot the blocks just below the door to reveal an Energy Tank. Take it, then leave the room.
Return to Crateria
Go up to the top and go through the door there. Go to the right through the room with the Violas and go through the door. Go to the right through the room with the Holtzes and Zebbos and go through the door. You can ignore the metal Space Pirates, because the doors are not locked, so you can just go through the door on the right without having to fight them. Go up through the room with the spiked platforms, shoot through the ceiling and go up, then use a Power Bomb at the top to open the way. At the top, go to the right, and use a bomb to enter the tunnel on the right, and use another bomb to get out of the right side of the tunnel. Use Spring Ball to get on top of the statue below the door, and go up through the door.
Use a bomb on the top-left statue head, then roll through the tunnel past where it was. Use bombs at the other end of the tunnel to get out. Go upward to the top of the room and shoot through the ceiling, then go up through the opening. Go through the door on the right.
Use a Super Missile to kill the Fune on the right side of the "mouth", then walk past where the Fune was and you will reach a hidden area. Go to the right until you fall down below, then walk to the left along the "arm". Fall down below the hand and Space Jump to the right to find an Energy Tank.
Go back to the left and then up, then go to the right above the arm until you are at the right wall, then go upward. At the top, go to the left to exit the mouth. Make your way up to the top of the room, avoiding the flames from the Funes, and the boulders that roll down the slopes at you. Ignore the door at the top, and instead walk through the wall on the left. Go through the door on the left.
Go to the left side of the room, then go up to the top. From there, go to the right and take the Missile Tank, then place a bomb at the upper-right corner (or Screw Attack there) to reveal a tunnel at the ceiling. Roll through it, then when you reach the right side, place a bomb to get rid of the obstacle. Roll to the right and you will fall down one level. Jump up and to the right to roll through the tunnel at the top-right. There is a Pit Block to the right, but it won't come back after it crumbles. Go to the right and jump up to roll through the top tunnel, but keep pushing to the right to avoid the Pit Blocks below. Then jump up and to the right until you have reached the right side of the maze, where you fall through a pair of Pit Blocks. Roll to the right and use a bomb to open the tunnel, where you can go to the right and go down through the door in the floor.
Shoot the statue head on the right, then stand on the column beneath where the statue head was to make it crumble. Take the Power Bomb Tank. Then shoot the other statue head and stand on the column beneath it, then go through the door on the left.
Go through the wall on the left again, and go through the door to the left. From there, go to the left and then go up to the top of the room. This time, go through the door on the left.
You can optionally disable Screw Attack to avoid activating the elevators in this room, which can hamper your progress (but won't make you unable to progress). Go to the left, stand on the ledge above the tunnel, and enable Screw Attack again if you disabled it. You will have to roll through the tunnel at the bottom after the acid recedes. At the left side, stand on the lowest ledge and place a bomb to the right of the center, then fall down into the tunnel and roll to the left. You can shoot the statue head to get rid of it and reach the Missile Tank in the middle.
Roll back to the right through the tunnel, then make your way up to the top past the three Kihunters. At the top, shoot through the middle of the ceiling, then go up through the hole, then go through the door on the left.
Go to the left to fall through some Pit Blocks. You can then Screw Attack to the left to break through the walls. Roll to the left through the tunnel at the end. Then go through the upper-left door.
The second door on the left leads to the save room, so use it if you wish, then leave the save room and go down to the door below you, and go through it.
Make your way to the left through these rooms, until you reach the tall room with the elevator at the top. Go up the elevator.
Go to the left until you are in the tall red room with the Rippers flying back and forth above you. Go upward, past the two pipes that the Geegas fly out of, then go through the door on the left.
Go to the left through this room with the Cacatacs and go through the door on the left. Use the Wave Beam to shoot through the gate to hit the light on the other side and open it. Go to the left. One of the pipes near the ceiling is a tunnel to a Missile Tank, if you didn't get it earlier. Near the left side of the room, go up and to the right to find a door. Use a Power Bomb to open it, and go through.
Kill the Sidehoppers and go to the right side of the room. Drop a bomb at the base of the wall and roll through the tunnel, then drop another bomb to get out of the tunnel. Go to the right and take the Power Bomb tank.
Go to the right and use a Power Bomb to break through the wall. Go to the right, past the elevator, and go through the door on the right. In the room with the blocks in the middle, go through the door on the right. Keep going to the right, and you will find a wall with a tunnel beneath it. Stay to the left of the tunnel and shoot the ceiling to reveal a hidden Energy Tank. Take it.
Use a Power Bomb to destroy some of the blocks above the tunnel. Stand beneath where there is a missing block above you and a missing block near the ceiling, and Screw Attack upward through a hidden hole there. You will break through a block at the top. Go through the door on the left.
There are invisible blocks in the upper part of the room. You can use the X-Ray Scope to see them. Jump up onto them, but beware of the boulders that fall from the ceiling. Go through the door on the left and take the Missile Tank. Before you leave the room, shoot the left side of the platform that the Missile Tank was on, and you will reveal another Missile Tank. Take it and exit the room.
Go to the right along the invisible blocks, then go through the door on the right. Screw Attack or use a bomb to break through the block between the skulls, and fall to the room below. You can either use a Power Bomb to get out, or jump up to the right to fall through a Pit Block, then roll to the right. Afterward, go to the left to reach the door. Go through. In the room with the blocks in the middle, go through the door on the left.
Go to the left, and go up the elevator. Go through the door on the left, then kill the Space Pirates, and if you didn't get the Missile Tank from under the shattered glass, use bombs to reach the hidden room beneath the shattered glass to get it. Then go back up and go through the door on the left.
Go up and stand on the first ledge that is up against the right wall. Drop a bomb there, and roll through the tunnel. Use a Power Bomb to open the door on the right. Make sure Ice Beam is enabled. Go to the right and use the Ice Beam to freeze all four of the Boyons, then quickly run partway to the left, then run to the right to Speed Boost. Crouch before you hit the wall, then press jump to do a Shinespark straight up. You will break through one or more blocks in the ceiling. Take the Super Missile tank to the right, then go to the left and roll through the tunnel. Space Jump or use the Grappling Beam to reach the door on the left. Go through. Roll into the tunnel on the left and bomb through the wall to return to the metallic room that is full of Space Pirates.
You can optionally go back to your ship to recharge. To do so, go through the door in the ceiling of the Space Pirate room, then go to the top of the room, then go to the right and go through the door. From there, go to the right to reach your ship. After you are done at your ship, go to the left, go through the door, go to the left wall and Screw Attack through it, then go through the door on the left. Speed Boost down the slope, go through the door on the left, go to the bottom of the room, and go through the door on the left. Go to the left through the room with the grey Geemers, and go through the door on the left. Go down the elevator.
Go through the first door on the right and get up on the upper ledge. Speed Boost to the right, then shoot the ceiling to the right of the rightmost gate and go up. Go to the left past Wavers and Sidehoppers. Don't land on top of the Super Missile Tank or you will fall through a Pit Block. Walk up to it from the side to take the Super Missile Tank. Then go to the right side of the room (or leave and re-enter the room from the left and Speed Boost to the right again) then shoot the door on the right with five missiles and go through.
Shoot the item that the Chozo Statue is holding, and take the Reserve Tank. Then roll into a ball and roll through the pipe beneath the statue's platform. Take the Missile Tank. Then use bombs or a Power Bomb to reveal a path to another Missile Tank in this room.
Roll back through the tunnel, and go through the door on the left. Shoot through the ceiling to the right of the rightmost gate and go up, then go left past the Wavers and Sidehoppers, then jump onto the pedestal where the Super Missile Tank to fall through a Pit Block. Go through the door on the left.
Go down to the bottom of the room and use a Power Bomb, then go through the hole in the floor and go to the bottom of the area. Go through the door on the left.
Use bombs and missiles to kill the Beetoms. Then go through the door on the left.
Carefully go to the left, but be aware that there is a hidden hole, three squares wide, that is one square to the right of the Energy Tank:
E --...--
After you get the Energy Tank, shoot the door on the left with a Super Missile and go through. Take the Super Missile Tank.
Exit the room, then fall down the hidden hole to the right of where the Energy Tank was. You can optionally go left to use a save room. Exit the Save Room and roll through the tunnel on the right, kill the Beetoms with bombs or missiles, and go through the door.
You will meet the Etecoons, who will teach you how to wall jump. Go up to the top, then land on the ledge at the top, roll into a ball, and use Spring Ball to enter the tunnel on the right. Roll to the end and shoot the item on the right to reveal a Power Bomb Tank. Take it, then roll to the left through the tunnel. Go to the left side of the room and go through the door.
Go up and shoot through the ceiling, then go up and use a Power Bomb. Go through the door on the right.
Note that if you Speed Boost to the right through this room, you will fall down below, and a Dachora on the left side of the tunnel will teach you how to Shinespark. You can avoid this by using Screw Attack to break through the wall on the right instead. If you fell below, there is an energy recharge room to the left. From the door to the energy recharge room, Speed Boost to the right, then crouch and press jump to do a Shinespark to go back up. Go through the door on the right.
Go to the right side of the room and land on the platform below. Space Jump to the left to reach a Missile Tank. Then use a Power Bomb to get rid of blocks beneath you, jump through a hidden hole in the wall to the left of where the Power Bomb destroyed the blocks.
Go to the left and stand in the middle, where part of the floor looks different. Shoot a Super Missile at the floor there, and fall down through the hole. Take the Power Bomb tank, then shoot to the left of the pedestal to make the gate move out of the way. Bomb the left wall, then roll to the left to fall through a couple of Pit Blocks. Roll to the right, then use Spring Ball to jump up, or drop a bomb to raise an elevator beneath you, so you can roll to the right. Go through the door.
After you fall through the Pit Blocks and land on a ledge, go to the right side of the room and go up to the door on the right. Use a Power Bomb to open the door. Go through.
Space Jump up to the upper-right part of the area and use the Wave Beam to shoot through the gate and hit the light on it to open it. Go through where the gate was, then go to the right and go through the door. Take the Energy Tank, then exit the room. Space Jump up to the gate on the left and shoot the light, then go to the left and go through the door.
Go to the bottom-left part of the room and bomb the blocks beneath the tunnel on the right, then fall down below. Use a Power Bomb to open the tunnel beneath the Chozo Statue's platform, and roll through it. Go to the left to reach the door in the bottom-left part of the room, shoot the door with five missiles, and go through.
Go to the left and kill the Zero that falls from the ceiling, then go to the right side of the room and Speed Boost to the left until you reach a hidden room. Take the Energy Tank from there. Then Speed Boost to the right and go through the door on the right. Go up and right, roll through the tunnel, use a Power Bomb to get out, and go up through the hole in the ceiling. Use a bomb to get rid of the blocks on the left, and roll to the left.
Jump up to the tunnel above you, roll through it, then go through the door on the right. Go to the right and up, then go through the door there. Go to the right side of the room and use a bomb to open the tunnel. Roll through it and use a bomb to get out, then go to the right wall. Use another Power Bomb, then go to the right and go up the elevator.
Go through the door on the left, get past the Space Pirates, and go through the door on the left. Go up through the room and go through the door in the ceiling. Go up to the top of the room, then go to the right and go through the door. From there, go to the right to reach your ship.
A Note about 100% Completion
You will soon proceed past the point of no return before the final boss. Now that you have refilled your items at your ship, you can check if you have achieved 100% completion. If you have obtained 100% of all of the upgrade tanks in the game, you will now have 230 Missiles, 50 Super Missiles, and 50 Power Bombs. If you have fewer than that, you can explore Zebes to find what you missed.
Proceed to the Next Area
Go to the left from your ship and go through the door. Then go to the left through this room until you reach the wall. Screw Attack through the wall and go through the door to the left. Speed Boost to the left through this room and go through the door to the left. Go to the bottom of the room with the Space Pirates walking around. Shoot the door on the right with five missiles and go through. Go to the right through this room and open the door on the right.
Wait for the statues to disappear, then go down through the hole in the floor. At the bottom of the room, go down the elevator. You will arrive in Tourian.