When Samus gets some upgrades for her suit, she alerts the Zebesian Space Pirates of her presence on the planet.

Get the Crateria Map
After you reach the top of the elevator, go to the left. The room is now crawling with Space Pirates. Go to the left and go through the door. Make your way up, killing the Space Pirates along the way. Go through the door at the top, then go up until you see two doors facing each other. Shoot the door on the right with five missiles, then go through. Go to the right, past the Mellows and Reo, and go through the door at the end to find the map room. Walk up to the map device and you will receive the map of Crateria. Press Start to exit the map.
Get Bombs
Exit the map room. Go to the left past the Mellows and Reo again, and go through the door on the left. Go up until you see another door. You can roll through the gap to reach that door. Go through it to reach a save room where you can stand in the device to save your game.
Exit the save room. Roll through the tunnel and go up until you can't go farther up. From there, go to the right. The Skrees on the ceiling will dive downward at you if you try to go past. Roll into the tunnel. Go to the bottom of this area and go through the door at the bottom.
Go to the right, kill the Mellows or hold the Dash button (B by default) to run past them, shoot five missiles at the door on the right to open it, and go through. You will find a Chozo Statue in the next room. Get the Bombs that it is holding, and you will get the bomb ability. You can now drop bombs if you are rolled into a ball by pressing the attack button. Try to leave, and the Chozo Statue will come to life, becoming the Bomb Torizo.
Defeat the Bomb Torizo
Wait for the Bomb Torizo to start walking before you start attacking. The Bomb Torizo will come toward you and scratch with its claws. It sometimes also spits egg-like bombs at you that will explode on the floor. If you shoot at these bombs before they hit the floor, they may leave behind some energy or missiles. Shoot the Bomb Torizo with missiles, or with your beam if you run out of missiles. You can use the Morphing Ball ability to roll past its legs without getting hurt, but you will need to do so before the Bomb Torizo backs you against the wall so you can avoid letting it hit you with its claws while you are trying to roll past. You can try to jump over it as well, but if you are too close to the wall, you may have to use the wall jump technique to kick off of the wall (spin jump against the wall, tap the direction away from the wall and then press the jump button soon after).
Go to Brinstar
After the battle, exit the Bomb Torizo room. Go left through the room with the Mellows and go through the door on the left. Go up the right side of the room. At the top, roll into a ball and press the attack button to drop a bomb next to each block to get rid of it. This will allow you to roll to the right to leave the tunnel. If you want to save and recharge, you can go through the door on the right, and go to the right to find your ship. Stand on top of your ship, in the middle, and press down to recharge and save. Then go to the left and go through the door.
Go to the left side of the room and go down the hole. When you reach the two doors that are facing each other, go through the door on the left and roll into the tunnel, then use bombs to get rid of the blocks in the way. In the next room, you will get more missiles.
Exit the room with the Chozo Statue. Go up against the first bomb block, drop a bomb, but don't go into the tunnel; instead let the bomb launch you into the air, and while you are in the air, go to the right to roll into a hidden tunnel. Go to the right side of the tunnel to fall through Pit Blocks. Go through the door on the right.
If you don't feel like going out of your way to get another Missile Tank right now, skip to the next paragraph. If you do feel like getting this upgrade, you can go down to the bottom of this room and go through the door there, then go to the bottom of the room with the Space Pirates and go through the door there. Kill the Space Pirate standing in the shattered glass, then bomb the floor in the middle of the shattered glass to open a hole. Go down into it and continue bombing downward to reach a hidden room. Take the Missile Tank that you find there. Then go back up out of the hole and go through the door on the left, then make your way upward through this room and go through the door at the top.
Go to the top of the room, then go up against the left wall and drop some bombs to break it open. Go through the door on the left. Go down the slope and get the Energy Tank at the bottom. Go through the door on the left.
Make your way downward, using missiles or bombs on the Space Pirates. At the bottom of the room, the door on the right leads to a dead end (for now) so just go through the door on the left. Keep going to the left until you reach an elevator, and go down to return to Brinstar.