After you get the Grappling Beam in Norfair, you can reach the X-Ray Scope in Brinstar.

Get the X-Ray Scope
From the top of the Norfair-Brinstar elevator, go to the left through several rooms, until you reach the tall room with Rippers flying back and forth above you. Use the Ice Beam to make your way up to the first door on the left. Use a Power Bomb to open it. Go through.
Try not to kill or hit too many of the Firefleas in this room, because the room will get darker each time you kill one. You can use the Ice Beam to freeze them without killing them.
Go to the left and use the Grappling Beam to go across the room. You will find a door in the upper-left of the room. Shoot five missiles at it to open it.
Get on top of the ledge and shoot downward to make the elevator push you up to the top, then roll to the left to fall through a pit block. Shoot the item that the Chozo Statue is holding, and take the X-Ray Scope. You can select it and hold the Dash button to use it. Press the directional pad to aim it. If you use it to look at the top of the wall behind the Chozo Statue, you will see a breakable block there. Use a bomb to bounce up to that block, and another bomb to break it, then roll through the opening, go to the left to fall to the lower area, then roll to the right. Use a bomb to make the elevator rise, then roll to the right to fall through a pit block. Then go to the right and go through the door.
Use the Grappling Beam to go back across the room and return to the tall room. Use a Power Bomb to open the wall, then make your way upward through the room, using the Ice Beam on the Rippers along the way. Shoot through the barrier at the top of the room and go through the door.
Go to the right side of the room with the Samus Eater plants and go through the door.
Make your way to the top of the room and go up the elevator.
From the top of the Brinstar-Crateria elevator, use a Power Bomb to open the door above you. Go through. Go to the top of the room and shoot through the ceiling. There are Kihunters in this area. You can optionally go through the door on the left, then do a Speed Boost to reach your ship, where you can recharge and save.
Optional Upgrades
If you went to your ship, there are some upgrades in this area that you can optionally get now. If you want to skip them, go to the next section of the guide.
From the bottom right of the large area where your ship is, start running to the left to do a Speed Boost, then crouch when you are standing on the small hill to the left of your ship, and you will start flashing. Turn to face the right, then hold the Aim Diagonally Up button (usually set to R) and press jump to perform a diagonal Shinespark to the upper-right of the area. Push to the right while you fall and you will be on a platform in the upper-right of the area. Go to the right and use a Power Bomb to open the door.
Go to the right and kill the Alcoons that jump up from the ground. Avoid the rising and falling acid, and go to the right to reach a Power Bomb Tank. Leave this room the way you came in.
Go down to your ship and use it to recharge, then go down to the ground and go to the right, then Speed Boost to the left and crouch on that hill to the left of your ship again. This time, face the left, and hold Aim Diagonally Up, then jump to do a diagonal Shinespark to the upper left. If you were positioned correctly, you will break through some blocks in a wall. Use bombs to break through the wall on the left. Go to the left and open the door and go through.
Use a Power Bomb to break the walls in this room and make your way to the left while avoiding the rising and falling acid, as well as the Yapping Maws that try to grab you. Go through the door on the left.
Take the Energy Tank that the Chozo Statue is holding, then use a Power Bomb to break a hole in the floor. When the acid recedes, go into that hole and roll to the left through the metal tube. Go to the left, using bombs or Power Bombs to break through the barriers. The spikes in the left wall can also be destroyed with Power Bombs. Go to the left and go through the door there.
Stay near the door and shoot to the left to break the blocks. Jump upward and shoot to the left to break the upper layer of blocks. Then look at the lower half of the floor and try to jump on the exact middle of it. You will start falling through some Pit Blocks. Turn to face the right and aim diagonally downward while shooting to break open a hole in the right wall. Jump through that hole as soon as you can, and take the Missiles. If you were in the middle of the Pit Blocks as you were falling, you will be able to shoot through the wall on the left and get that Missile Tank as well. If not, you will have to go back to your ship and repeat this process to get the Missile Tank on the left. Go to the middle of the room and stand on the middle of the floor to fall through the remaining Pit Blocks, then make your way down to the bottom and shoot the middle of the floor to break through it. When you fall through the hole, you can either use Power Bombs to break a hole in the right side of the floor, or you can roll into a tunnel on the left to fall through some Pit Blocks, but that will make you land close to a Space Pirate. Either way, go through the door on the right.
Go up the slope and go through the door on the right. Bomb the wall on the right, then go to the right and go through the door. Go to the right to reach your ship again, use the ship to save and recharge if you wish, then Speed Boost to the right or use a Power Bomb to break through the blocks, then shoot a Super Missile at the door to go back to the room with the Kihunters.
Go to a New Area
If you are still at your ship, Speed Boost to the right or use a Power Bomb if the path is blocked, then shoot the door with a Super Missile and go through. Go to the right and kill the Kihunter, then use a Power Bomb to open the door on the right.
Use the Grappling Beam to reach the Missile Tank, then swing to the right side of the room. The cracked grapple blocks will break after a moment if you are hanging from them. If you fall into the water, go to the left (drop a bomb at the base of the column if needed) and jump back up above water, then swing to the right. On the right side of the room, open the door and go through.
Use the Grappling Beam to cross the first two gaps over the water, then use the Grappling Beam on the Ripper to get past the next gap. Make your way to the right side of the area, then shoot the door with a Super Missile and go through to reach the Wrecked Ship.