After your trek through the icy terrain of Route 10, you arrive in the big city of Wyndon.

Explore Wyndon
When you first arrive in Wyndon, there will be a cutscene.
Go west from the fountain near the entrance of Wyndon to find a sparkle. Check on it to get a Max Revive.
Northwest of the fountain near the entrance of Wyndon, you find the Rose of the Rondelands Hotel. To the west of the plaza in front of the hotel, there is a sparkle. Check on it to get a Big Nugget.
To the east of the plaza in front of the hotel, you find an Air Balloon.
If you go back across the bridge south of the hotel, then go east, you find a walkway alongside the river. One of the manhole covers has a sparkle on it. Check on the sparkle to get a blob of Black Sludge.
An artist in one of the houses in the east side of Wyndon wants to trade pokémon. You can trade a Frosmoth to get Kapoor's level 50 Duraludon, nicknamed Linear.
In the park east of the eastern houses of Wyndon, you can go to the northeast corner of the brick path, then go southwest to enter the central grassy area. In the southwest corner of that area, check on the sparkle to find a Rare Candy.
North of that, there is a Grassy Seed.
If you go back to the brick path, then go north to the grassy area there, you can talk to the person near the north edge to teach an ultimate move to your starter pokémon.
East of the person who teaches ultimate moves, there is a sparkle in front of a tree. Check on it to get a Balm Mushroom.
In a house north of the northern entrance to the park, you can battle League Staff Isaac, who has a level 34 Mow Rotom, a level 34 Wash Rotom, and a level 34 Heat Rotom.
Go north to reach the plaza in front of Wyndon Stadium. The left side of the plaza has a sparkle. Check on it to get an X Speed.
Go into Wyndon Stadium and there will be a cutscene.
Wyndon Stadium
Talk to the Ball Guy to get a Dream Ball, which works better on sleeping pokémon.
When you're ready, talk to the person at the desk and you will proceed to the semi-finals. Go north through the door to proceed.
Pokémon Trainer Marnie
First, you battle Marnie. She has a level 47 Liepard, a level 47 Toxicroak, 47 Scrafty, a level 48 Morpeko, and a level 49 Grimmsnarl that she will Dynamax on the first turn. You get 7840 Pokédollars for winning.
After the battle, there will be a cutscene. Your pokémon have been healed up. Go north through the door to proceed.
Pokémon Trainer Hop
Hop has a level 48 Dubwool, a level 47 Pincurchin, a level 48 Corviknight, a level 47 Snorlax, and a level 49 starter pokémon that he Dynamaxes on the first turn (if you chose Scorbunny, he has Rillaboom; If you chose Grookey, he has Inteleon. If you chose Sobble, he has Cinderace). You get 5880 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene. After the cutscene, go outside and talk to Piers, and there will be another cutscene. If you're ready, you can say Yes to go with Piers to the plaza. If you want to find your own way there, you can say no, and when you're ready, check in front of the fountain to find Piers.
After the cutscene, your job is to find the League staff member who is wearing dark sunglasses.
Just east of the Monorail Station in the southern part of Wyndon, there is a League staff member who is facing the wall. Talk to him and say "Ms. Oleana's here!" to make him turn around. You will battle Macro Cosmos's Eric, who has a level 47 Galarian Meowth and a level 47 Durant. During the battle, Team Yell will cheer you on, boosting your pokémon's Speed. (You can reply to the cheers however you like.) You get 4700 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west and you will find the League staff member watching two people talking at the west side of the fountain. You will battle Macro Cosmos's Eric, who has a level 47 Mawile and a level 47 Excadrill. During the battle, Team Yell will cheer you on, boosting your pokémon's Defense and Special Defense. (You can reply to the cheers however you like.) You get 4700 Pokédollars for winning.
Go west and check on the phone booth to find the League staff member. You will battle Macro Cosmos's Eric, who has a level 47 Ferroseed and a level 47 Steelix. During the battle, Team Yell will cheer you on, boosting your pokémon's Attack and Special Attack. (You can reply to the cheers however you like.) You get 4700 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene.
If you need to leave the area, use the elevator west of Piers and Marnie.
In the southwest corner of the area, there is a sparkle. Check on it to get a Rare Candy.
Check behind the big sign with the logo on it to get TM93 Eerie Impulse.
Go northwest and check near the tower to get an Electric Seed.
From there, go southeast along the side of the building to find a Nugget.
Go northeast and check at the east side of the fence to find a sparkle. Check on it to get a bottle of PP Up.
Go west from there to find a Cell Battery.
Finally, when you're ready, go into the tower and there will be a cutscene. Then you will battle Macro Cosmos's Elijah, who has a level 48 Durant. You get 4800 Pokédollars for winning.
Before you get into the elevator, make sure you are ready. Once you go into the elevator, you won't be able to go back outside for a while. If you need to prepare, leave the tower and use the lift to the monorail, then when you are ready, use the monorail to return to Rose Tower.
Go into the elevator in the lobby of Rose Tower, and you and Hop will have a double battle with Macro Cosmos's Jane and Macro Cosmos's Mateo, who have a level 48 Cufant and a level 48 Bronzong. Hop has a level 49 Dubwool. You get 9600 Pokédollars for winning.
Hop will heal up your pokémon. Then you and Hop will have a double battle with Macro Cosmos's Kevin and Macro Cosmos's Carla, who have a level 48 Klang and a level 48 Mawile. You get 9600 Pokédollars for winning.
Hop will heal up your pokémon. Then you and Hop will have a double battle with Macro Cosmos's Adalyn and Macro Cosmos's Justin, who have a level 49 Steelix and a level 49 Stunfisk. You get 9800 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene. You can change your pokémon team and heal up, then approach Oleana to proceed.
Macro Cosmos's Oleana
Macro Cosmos's Oleana has a level 50 Froslass, a level 51 Milotic, a level 50 Salazzle, a level 50 Tsareena, and a level 52 Garbodor that she Dynamaxes on the first turn. You get 7280 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, there will be a cutscene. If you're ready to go to the Stadium, say Yes, or you can say No if you want to go there later instead.
If you are ready, go into Wyndon Stadium for the Champion Cup Finals.