After you pass through the vast Wild Area, you reach the city of Motostoke.

Explore Motostoke
Go north and then west to the Pokémon Center, and there will be a cutscene. You will get Leon's League Card.
In the Pokémon Center, talk to the Lass near the Poké Mart and she will trade you a Skwovet named Cheekers if you trade her a Bunnelby.
Heal up your pokémon, and then you can use the Rotomi to make a League Card. After you create it, you can see it in the X menu.
Go outside, and you can east toward Sonia, and there will be a cutscene.
Go east from the Pokémon Center and down the stairs, and check the sparkle in the trash bin to get a Poké Ball.
Go west from the Pokémon Center and down the stairs, then before you cross the bridge, go north and check the sparkle to get a Nugget.
North of the Pokémon Center, you will find a Battle Café. North of that, talk to the person to get a TR13 Focus Energy. You can only use TRs once. East of that, there is a hair salon and clothing store.
North of that, talk to the person in front of the record store to get Hi-tech Earbuds. This allows you to change sound volumes in Options in the X menu.
Go north toward the lift and there will be a cutscene. You will get a held item that powers up your starter pokémon's moves.
Get on the lift to go to the upper level. Talk to the person with the Poké Ball head (called the Ball Guy) to get a Poké Ball.
Go north toward Hop and there will be a cutscene.
Before you go into the stadium, go west from the entrance to find 3 Burn Heals, then go east from the entrance and check on the sparkle in front of the fountain to get a Repel.
When you are ready, go into the stadium.
There will be a cutscene. You will be asked to choose your uniform number. You can't change the number later. The number can be up to 3 digits long.
After you choose your number, go outside and go south. You will be shown which way to go. Go west and you will be shown the inn.
Before you enter the inn, you can go west and talk to a child who asks you to help find their missing Minccino. Go west and you find a Silk Scarf. There is a Pokémon Center to the west. You can use the Rotomi in this Pokémon Center to check Poké Jobs. Go south from there and check on the sparkle to find a Poké Doll. South of that, you find a train station and another lift. If you take the lift down to the lower level, you will find a uniform shop to the east. Between the uniform shop and the lift, you will find a pair of Black Glasses at the end of the alley.
South of the lift, there are stairs leading to a path along the water. If you go fishing here, you can catch Barboach, Chewtle, and Magikarp.
Go west along the water, then north, to find 3 Great Balls.
When you are ready to continue, go into the Budew Drop Inn. There will be a cutscene. Afterward, go up the stairs and talk to the people at the front desk, and agree to a battle. There will be a cutscene. Then you will battle a Team Yell Grunt who has a level 9 Zigzagoon. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning. Afterward, you battle another Team Yell Grunt, who has a level 9 Nickit. You get 720 Pokédollars for winning.
Afterward, Hop will heal up your pokémon, and you and Hop will have a double battle against two Team Yell Grunts. They have a level 9 Nickit and a level 9 Zigzagoon. You get 1440 Pokédollars for winning.
After the battle, there will be a cutscene. After that, talk to the person at the front desk and say Yes to check in. There will be a cutscene.
You can check on the elevators in the hotel to go to the upper floor. Talk to the person in the westernmost room to get a Star Piece. After you get it, go back down the elevator to the hotel lobby.
Go outside and there will be a cutscene. You can say Yes to be taken directly to the stadium. Go into the stadium and talk to the person behind the counter, and there will be a cutscene.
Afterward, go outside, and you will gain access to the Flying Taxi. To use it, open the X menu, then use the Town Map and select the location that you want to go to.
Go west and you will find Hop waiting for you. He will challenge you to a battle. He has a level 11 Wooloo, a level 14 starter pokémon (if you chose Scorbunny, he has Grookey; if you chose Grookey, he has Sobble; if you chose Sobble, he has Scorbunny), and a level 12 Rookidee.
After the battle, heal up in the nearby Pokémon Center, then go outside and go west, and you will reach Route 3.