After a short trip through Route 7, you go through an archway to Route 8.

Explore the Route
The pokémon that you may see in this area are Boldore, Golett, Gurdurr, Lunatone (Shield only), Pawniard, Rufflet (Sword only), Solrock (Sword only), Togedemaru, and Vullaby (Shield only). The pokémon that can be found in rustling patches of grass are Bronzong, Drapion, Dusclops, Falinks, Haunter, Hippowdon, Rhyhorn, and Sandaconda.
When the path splits, go east and then down the ladder, then keep going east and you will battle Doctor Joanna, who has a level 36 Roselia and a level 36 Hattrem. You get 4320 Pokédollars for winning.
Go east from there, and up the ladder. Go east, and at the split in the path, go south. Follow the path and you will find a Shiny Stone.
Go back to where the path split, and go north, then west down the stairs. Follow the path, and it will split again. Go west at the split, and go up the ladder to find TM96 Smart Strike.
Go east and down the ladder, and keep going east to reach the ladder. Go down it and follow the path, and you will find 3 Hyper Potions.
Go up the southern ladder, then go north and go down the ladder there. Go north, then near the top of the path, go west and check on the sparkle near the wheelbarrow to get an Elixir.
Go north, then go west and jump down from the short ledge. In this area, you will see wild Falinks walking around between tunnels in the walls. If you come into contact with them, you will have a wild pokémon encounter and can try to catch them.
Go east to find 3 Luxury Balls.
Go west, then when you have gone past the Falinks tunnels, go south to find a sparkle. Check on it to get a Pixie Plate.
Go west from there, and when the path splits, go southwest to find a Max Revive.
Go north from there, and when the path splits, go northwest up the stairs, where you can battle Backpacker Barbara, who has a level 36 Dreepy and a level 37 Vullaby. You get 2664 Pokédollars for winning.
Go north up the stairs and go to the end of the path to find a sparkle. Check on it to get a Big Nugget.
Go back down the stairs, then go northeast. Follow the path, and you can battle Musician Charles, who has a level 37 Togedemaru. You get 2368 Pokédollars for winning.
Go east, then down the ladder. In the center of this area, there is a King's Rock.
Northeast of that, check on the sparkle to get a Nugget.
Go east and up the stairs, then go up the ladder. Go west and you will have a wild pokémon encounter with a Crustle.
Go west from the Crustle to get TM43 Brick Break.
Go east, and if you go east from the archway, you can battle Colleagues Jordan and Alison, who have a level 36 Hippowdon, a level 36 Excadrill, a level 37 Perrserker, and a level 37 Lucario. You get 6660 Pokédollars for winning.
Go east and you will find Lisa's Pokémon Camp.
Go east from there to find a narrow path that leads to a Terrain Extender.
Go west to the archway and go north to reach the north part of Route 8: Steamdrift Way.
Steamdrift Way
The pokémon that you may see in this area are Sawk (Sword only), Sneasel, Snom, Snorunt, Throh (Shield only), and Vanillish. The pokémon that can be found in rustling patches of grass are Galarian Darumaka (Sword only), Delibird, Sneasel, Snom, and Snover.
In the northwest part of the first patch of grass, check on the sparkle to find 2 Star Pieces.
Continue along the path, and you will battle Police Officer Bobby, who has a level 37 Arcanine and a level 37 Boltund. You get 4440 Pokédollars for winning.
Go north from there and you will arrive in Circhester.