The Yiga Clan Maritta Branch is northwest of Hyrule Castle and west of the Great Hyrule Forest.

Cave Location
The Yiga Clan Maritta Branch is located at -0642, 2040, 0158, northwest of Hyrule Castle and west of the Great Hyrule Forest.
Cave Features
There is a Yiga Footsoldier and Yiga Blademaster that you will have to defeat when you enter.
There are five rooms in this area: the main chamber where you defeated the two Yiga, a chamber to the northeast where you can find some bananas, a chamber to the northwest where you can find a clue to finding the hidden room, a chamber down below that you can reach by moving the metal plates on the east side of the room and going down the hole (where you will find this cave's Bubbulfrog), and the hidden room up above that you can reach by using Ascend near the hole in the ceiling. In the upper room, you will find a kidnapped tailor. Talk to the tailor to get the Yiga Tights.