Timawak Shrine overlooks the Bedrock Bistro restaurant in the Eldin Canyon area.

Shrine Location
Timawak Shrine is located at 1799, 1638, 0311 in the Eldin Canyon area, overlooking the Bedrock Bistro restaurant.
Against the Flow
Walk across the cooled lava platforms, then defeat the Soldier Construct. There are more lava platforms moving along the lava here. Look toward where the platforms are coming from, then attach some together to make a bridge to reach the orb on the other side (you could use Recall, but there is a risk that the platform will be pushed downward under other platforms, dropping you in the lava). Before you take the orb, combine some more platforms to reach the treasure chest on the far side. It contains a Strong Zonaite Shield. Then take the orb across the bridges that you made with the cooled lava (or just ride on a lava platform if you didn't make a bridge), and put the orb into the floor switch that the Soldier Construct was looking at. Go through the bars that open.
Hit the fan on the floor beneath the ledge, and glide up on the updraft from the fan to reach two Hydrants. Take one and hit it to turn it on, then go down to the lower area and point the Hydrant at the lava. Take a cooled lava platform and attach a fan on the back, then put it in the lava and stand on it and hit it to activate the fan. The fan will push it through the lava, allowing you to reach the end of the shrine. Check on the dragon ring to get a Light of Blessing and complete the shrine.