Within Oakle's Navel Cave, you find a glowing green crystal, and a mysterious voice tells you to take it to where the beam shines.

Quest Location
This quest begins when you examine the green crystal in Oakle's Navel Cave.
How to Complete the Quest
Toward the end of the path, you will find a stone platform beneath you. If you lose the crystal after this, the crystal will reappear on this small stone platform, rather than going back to its original location.
Just beyond the small stone platform, there is a tunnel that slopes upward. As you approach the shrine at the top of the tunnel, a boulder falls from above. If the crystal falls into the water, it will go back to the stone platform nearby. To avoid the boulder, set the crystal on the ground near the tunnel where the boulder rolls, then when the boulder has almost fallen into the water at the bottom, use Recall on the boulder to send it back the way that it came, and quickly take the shrine crystal up to the shrine while the boulder is going in reverse.
The shrine at the top is Tokiy Shrine.