Now that you have shown Rotana all the stelae, she asks you to return the orbs to the heroine statues in the Gerudo Shelter.

Quest Location
This quest begins after you complete The Heroines' Secret.
How to Complete the Quest
You need to find all of the orbs and bring them to the quest destination on the map. The first time, Rotana will ask you to put the orb into the correct statue's hands. Be sure to put the orb into the hands of the statue that has the matching symbol.
If you can't find all of the orbs, you can go to the courtyard southeast of the throne room and drop a Splash Fruit in front of Patricia (the sand seal). She will give you the coordinates of one of the orbs. (You can also give other types of fruit to Patricia to get normal prophecies.)
The starting locations of all of the orbs are as follows:
- Where Rotana was standing during the previous quest: -3888, -2972, 0033
- On a ledge overlooking the Sand-Seal Rental Shop: -3781, -2900, 0047
- Just north of Lorn's fruit shop. Talk to Lorn's daughter Dalia and complete the quest Dalia's Game to win the orb: -3813, -2872, 0043
- In the western part of the Gerudo Shelter, where there are glass bottles and cushions on the floor: -3904, -2916, 0030
- In the western part of the Gerudo Shelter, in a cubby hole above some beds, where you find some Rock Salt and Topaz: -3911, -2929, 0037
- In Kara Kara Bazaar, near the inn: -3274, -2586, 0023 If you have a Steering Stick and a Fan, there is a Zonai sled west of the Kara Kara Bazaar armor shop that you can attach the orb to and ride back to Gerudo Town. Just be sure to go north of the Desert Rift between the Bazaar and Gerudo Town.
- Under a pile of sand on the roof in the southeast part of Gerudo Town: -3800, -2969, 0058
Starting with the second orb, Rotana gives you a Hydromelon for each orb that you bring.
After Placing the Orbs
After you put all seven orbs into the correct statues' hands, go down the stairs and read the stone stela.
Move the Eighth Orb
The orb behind the stone stela is too big to carry, so you will need to use Ultrahand. You can carry it to the western Sand-Seal Rental Shop and rent a seal with a sleigh, then attach the orb to the sleigh and go north to the Northern Ruins, but be careful not to turn too quickly or the sleigh will flip over. When you are close to the quest destination marked on the map, detach the orb from the sleigh and drop it into the hole at the quest destination. This will open the bars in the cave below.
Go into the cave, and when you reach a dead end, use Ultrahand to remove the stone slabs from the floor. Fall into the hole that you revealed. Continue through the cave until you reach another area that appears to be a dead end, with a pool of water with glowing fish inside. Look at the south wall to find an opening with some torches. Use Ascend to reach the opening.
You will reach a room with three stone slabs leaning against the wall. The middle slab hides a Gibdo, the slab on the right has a bundle of arrows behind it, and the cracked slab on the left hides a passage farther into the cave.
Eventually, you reach the Statue of the Eighth Heroine Room. Read the stone stela near the door to learn the story of the Hylian voe who saved Gerudo Town long ago. The chest in this room contains 300 rupees.
Quest Reward
After you read the stone stela in the Statue of the Eighth Heroine Room, talk to Rotana to receive a Diamond.