Spectacle Rock Cave is southeast of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower, in the east cliff of the northern half of Spectacle Rock.

Cave Location
Spectacle Rock Cave is located at -2212, -2388, 0247, which is southeast of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower, in the east cliff of the northern half of Spectacle Rock.
Cave Features
There is a stone column in the center of the first room of the cave. Go around the back of this column and break the boulders to find this cave's Bubbulfrog.
Then break the boulders in the west wall and go through the opening. Be careful not to fall into the tar pit. Up ahead, there is a Fire Like. Beyond that, there are ore deposits, as well as a platform that you can use Ascend on to reach the top of Spectacle Rock, but be warned that there is a Stone Talus (Rare) in that area.